Saturday, May 30, 2009

Accepting It's Over and How a Quick House Sale May Help

(My Original Blog Post:

Whenever a relationship breaks down it is a shock, even when you have known for a while that its just not working out and the final decision to part is likely to stay with you for a long period of time. It can take months for it to really sink in and throughout this time it is common to fantasize about reconciliation, reunion and recriminations.

Understanding what went wrong is often the first step on the way to recovery and it’s easy to get stuck in questioning, how could they do that to me? What did I do wrong? Whose fault it is?  This is only natural.

However a more positive approach is to center on the relationship, as opposed to individual responsibility and I found the following questions beneficial: -

What were things like when we first met?

What was good about our relationship?

In what way have we changed?

Why were we attracted to each other?

Have any external factors influenced our relationships?

Just what is it that has prevented us from rising above our differences?

The answers to these questions may be upsetting but the more we understand, the easier it is to let go and then move on. This was a time that I felt many emotions, including sadness, anger, despair and confusion.  Additionally, there is a multitude of practical issues to take care of, such as, supporting your children, birthdays, childcare, informing the school, access arrangements and seeing the in-laws.

It is common after a relationship breakdown to find that you are having a battle with feelings of low self-confidence and self-esteem.  There are so many things to arrange it can be easy to neglect your own feelings. Don’t be too hard on yourself and accept and be thankful for any support your friends and family provide.

This is a tough time to be a parent but the children must know what is happening. Hiding the truth from them is not protecting them and may leave them confused and wondering whether they can trust you. Obviously how much you tell them will depend on how old they are.  Sharing your feeling will help them make sense of how they feel and allow your children to show their feelings as well.

My biggest worry was my concerns over money and property.  You know, managing the finances when you have to survive on a lower income and who gets what in your family home, the pet.  Will I have to sell? Where will we live?  This can really drag you down.  Luckily I found a solution to my problem, which saved me from any despair.

There are many house sale specialists who offer an alternative to that of an estate agent, so I decided to investigate this option. I found a website headlining “ Sell your home in as little as seven days” This I considered would go along way to solving a great number of my problems. I contacted An Instant Sale in Leicester on their free phone number and although I live nearly three hundred miles from their main office, a local representative visited me the very next day.

We agreed on a price and a date, and the cash from the equity in my property was transferred to my account, I was able to make the settlement with my partner and had some spare money to carry me through and I am not homeless.  Not only did they buy my home but they also arranged for me to rent back at the normal rent for our area.  If my circumstances improve, I have a pre-agreed price, to re purchase my home in the future.

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