Monday, April 20, 2009

Republicans Get Barack'd

(My Original Blog Post:
Barack Obama asked:

Well, esteemed ladies and gentlemen of this fine nation otherwise known as the United States of America. Kind of ironic that this country is called 'united', when we seem to spend so much time bickering about things that have no consequential ramifications on our personal lives (i.e. Britney Spear's toothpaste choice, Amy Winehouse's current rehab status, etc.), and don't spend enough time on important topics such as health care, why the hell we're still in Iraq, etc.

Well, up until a week ago, I wondered what this country would do. While I heard countless people speak, and read dozens of articles that Obama would win in a landslide, I must admit I was scared out of my gore that Bush III and his evil step-daughter would soon be in the oval office. On a tangent, why is it called the oval office? Why isn't it a circle. Don't want a typical rectangular shape domicile, eh? How about a triangle? OK, enough with the shapes. You get the idea.

So, am I the only one that was worried that McCan't and Failin' Palin would somehow finagle millions of people that they could effectively run this country? I doubt it.

But alas, America has woken up. They realized that talk is cheap, and that action is necessary. Enter President-elect Barack Obama. While there are millions of people in the south and other segregated parts of the country rolling around in the pseudo-graves that an African-American is a president, all I can say is three words: DEAL WITH IT. More importantly, somewhere up above, Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. is pumping his fists in the air in utter glee and victorious harmony. Yes, Dr. King, thanks to Obama and the path you paved decades ago, the USA is finally 'free at last.'

So, now that the man is in office, what now? Well, let's get the party started, shall we? I'm slightly upset that I won't have these articles to rank on Sarah Palin, but then again, the way the GOP is blaming the whole campaign on her, I'm sure I'll have plenty of ammunition. Ohh, I'm sorry Mr. McCan't. Are you using Sarah Palin as a scapegoat for losing the election? mean to tell me you just figured out she's not qualified? Well, it was that horrible selection and misjudgment (not to mention a 10 trillion dollar deficit courtesy of your party) that led to your annihilation in the plls.

In short, and to conclude, Obama wants change and will bring change. God knows we need it. 

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