Thursday, April 23, 2009

Obama Can Motivate the Millennium Generation

(My Original Blog Post:
Barack Obama
Dr. Stephen Jones asked:


In addition to focusing on the economy, Barack Obama must captivate the attention of the Millennium Generation.  It’s hard to believe that the next generation of young adults are about to turn eighteen.  They are entering a world that is rapidly changing everyday.  Too many students are not prepared to work and they are fearful about paying for college education.  The next generation needs more access to money to pay for college.  At the same time they must understand the employment trends and how to prepare for future job opportunities.  

Each year thousands of senior high school students graduate and they hear speeches were they are encouraged to do something positive with their lives. They are told how fortunate they are to live in a country where they are free to express their creativity.  It is a country where entrepreneurship is encouraged.  The Millennium Generation needs to master new skills that will make them competitive around the globe.  The must know that graduation from high school  is just the beginning of their education.

Obama must take bold steps to reassure the Millennium Generation that they are prepared to lead families, small businesses and fortune 500 companies.  As a significantly large number of individuals retire fresh ideas and energy will be needed.  Know is the time to prepare students of all ages to participate in the political process that will yield policies that bring about a prosperous business culture.  Students do not need to feel they will be the last hired and the first fired.

For the last 18 years many students have seen their parents reinventing themselves just to maintain employment.  This instability has moved the next generation to be less confident in American companies.  They do not know the requirements for an employee to move up the corporate advancement ladder. The management structures of many companies are unstable.  Employees are competing for positions in the United States and in other countries like China, India and Japan. Most students in America are not learning another language until they attend high school.

Obama must increase financial resources that enable students to pursue education in K12 schools and in college.  American students must have a thirst for staying on the cutting edge of technology. More engineering and science must be stressed in local high schools and in college. If the country does not produce more students who can innovate in the area of education, energy, engineering and medicine we will be left behind by the rest of the world.

It is also time for the next generation to sow into the lives of others.  It has always been an American tradition for college students to volunteer in the community, schools and with those who are our older citizens. Obama has the right idea with regard to encouraging volunteerism.  The desire to give back has made each generation prosper.  Responding to the needs of others has benefits for the giver and the receiver of an individual’s time.  Volunteerism must be core expectation of high school and college students.

The ability to measure the accomplishments of the Millennium generation will be written in their own history books.  They will take on new responsibilities to maintain our position as a global leader.  Each individual must have a stake in making our society a better place to live.  In a country where everyone can prosper and firmly believe that they are a person of worth.  The hope that Barack Obama talks about must infiltrate the hearts and minds of the American people to elevate their expectations for a bright future.

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