Friday, April 24, 2009

The Audacity of Barack Obama

(My Original Blog Post:
Barack Obama
Michael Payne asked:

Words are the tools for an architect who will hatch a pyramid for the middle class. A pyramid of words.

Words will renounce a surging military and bring our boys home. Words have stung the beehive.

Words will consummate this rockstar politician with his Cuban megalomaniac.


Barack Obama has created a fallacious utopia in which actions do not have consequences and consumption does not have a price. How do the voters respond? They love it. They eat out of his palm. He’s become a rockstar with his leather jacket and ripped jeans draped over his political garments. Am I the only one that just doesn’t get it? I’m tempted to bring up the familiar headline, It’s the Voters,Stupid. Well, it IS the voters. And hell, they are stupid.

The voters only see what Obama CAN do. Obama CAN give a $4000 tax credit to any student willing to do community service. But CAN my grandfather, who gave every last penny he managed to scrape back to his family, afford the increase in taxes? No.

Now slap universal healthcare on top of that. Barack Obama will break America with taxes. It’s the classic Democratic copout: if he can’t pay for it, you shouldn’t be able to either. Look, the problem isn’t that not everyone is covered, as Clinton vehemently insists, but the reason WHY they’re not covered; it’s too damn expensive. Drive down the costs of healthcare and naturally more people will be able to afford it.

John McCain knows how to do that. Republicans know how to do that: by encouraging competition among health insurers. It’s the simple philosophy that drives our economy: when one gas station sees another doing well, it wants in on the profits. So, what does it do? It sets up shop near the other in hopes of doing so. Gas prices will in effect go down as they compete for business.

But Barack Obama’s translucent policies aren’t cause of his rockstar status. He’s running as the new kid on the block. Let’s be honest with ourselves, Obama could not run on a message of change if he were another white male. He’s garnered so much media attention because of his race. It is the troubling truth that Americans are more concerned with appearance than approach to government.

Let’s be clear; race does not determine who should run our government. Unfortunately for Obama, comments such as Reverend Wright’s bring the whole issue of race back into the spotlight. In hindsight, Obama’s Texas ad in response to Clinton is laughable. Let’s recap. Clinton ran the classic “3 AM phone call” ad in which the phone is ringing in the White House and Clinton is, because of her experience, the person the voter should want to answer. Obama fired back with an ad that basically portrayed how it’s not the experience that matters, it’s the judgement.

Sorry Barack, but you just sunk your own ship. YOU don’t have the judgement in choosing friends. YOU don’t have the judgement in choosing advisors. So why should you be president? You have neither the experience or the judgement to be president.

Ultimately, while race was Obama’s strenght within the Democratic party, it will prove to be his downfall in the general election. The more the people get to know the newcomer, the less effective his “change” campaign becomes. Without a doubt the media has largely been supportive of Obama. But the more Obama is in the spotlight the more he will be undressed by the American people. The leather will gradually fall to reveal a politician. Imagine that. A politician running for president.

plumbing 101

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