Friday, May 15, 2009

Barack Obama Reminds Us Its a Time for Miracles

(My Original Blog Post:

President Obama Reminds us it’s a Time for Miracles!

by Dr Joan Hangarter, DC, MS

The entire country, as well as the world, eagerly anticipated the swearing in of Barack Obama. An overwhelming 87% feel confident this president will pul off the Miracle, of getting this country on the RIGHT TRACK, no easy task considering our serious problems.

Have you noticed the “wave of optimism” literally sweeping across America despite the worsening economy and despair the majority of  Americans are feeling. Its my belief that everyone needs a Miracle right now, from Wall Street to Main Street, and

fortunately, through a unique combination of factors, we have the most perfect  man for the job.


What is it about Barack that inspires this belief in optimism and hope that is

energizing and unifying the nation With the recession and depression worsening,

and war tensions escalating, you would think we’d be more pessimistic about his chances to succeed.


It might be helpful to know that according to a Gallup Poll in November 2008, most Americans believe in God, angels, miracles, and the survival of the soul after death. In other words, people are willing to believe that anything is possible now.

But the truth is, Barack Obama inspires us. His insistence that we can do better appeals to our own inner voice that many have probably suppressed. He reminds us that yes, we can do better, we can live in a meaningful way, we can be the person we want to be. His yes we can,” makes us want to accomplish the task. By bringing together bipartisan experts, he transcends a personal agenda, and looks to a commonality that benefits all of humanity, not just Americans.

If each of us applies that concept to our own life, and allow ourselves to live a vision larger than ourselves, we too can step into that energy of creating miracles and transformation, and benefiting our community as well.


Lets face it, Americans need a miracle now, and let’s face, it is going to take a miracle to walk the talk and create the change that America needs to quickly recover and prosper.“When all Americans are engaged, we can accomplish anything!” Barack Obama said. From Wall Street to Main Street to your street, most everyone has been impacted by the recent financial disasters, either with job losses, foreclosures, and bankruptcies. Someone you know has probably lost a job recently and might be

facing homelessness.

By working together, we will thrive. Switch the focus from self, to creating community.

That’s how our ancestors did it, and you know what, people helping people and supporting their friends and neighbors is what made us strong.

Obama makes us believe there is a solution; there is a way for us to rise to the task. The Bush years saw a rise in anxiety, depression and fear. The constant drumbeat of terrorist threats, war rhetoric, and erosion of civil liberties, led to an increase in depression and anxiety. Bush was the decider and he would tell us what to do. No wonder we were afraid!

Instead, Obama draw from our deepest hearts desires, our wishes and hopes for a better planet. He may not do exactly what you or I think best, but you can bet he has consulted with the experts and taken it all into consideration. We even trust that he will make choices that support the well being of the people of this nation instead of favoring the corporate world

His wave of optimism reminds me that we are capable of stretching, of achieving unlimited possibilities. Look at his election. A year ago, no one would have believed he would be president, and look at him today. I interviewed a young man from Uganda who was privileged to see Obama speak in a large stadium in Kenya, 2006. He told me the audience thought Obama was a political comedian from America, when he informed the crowd he was going to run for President of the United States of America.


Obama exemplifies my Miracle Message- when you get in touch with your vision, and understand why you are here, and what your unique purpose is, and you just say yes, then NOTHING WILL STOP YOU. What can we do, .how can we help, and show us what’s needed.

These are unprecedented times. Think outside the box!  Dream up new ways to work, create income, and positively impact your family, friends, and community.

Develop your personal vision and commit to allowing your powerful and best side to come forward and create positive change.

Obama happens to be the right man, with the vision and skills to draw from us the desire to match his commitment. I spoke with several young adults after the Inauguration and across the board, they shared with me that Obama has inspired them to reach for the dreams, to follow their visions and to become the best they can be.

Frankly that’s a miracle especially given the apathy of prior years.

America can do better, and he’s the man who can mobilize us, bring us together, and restore our confidence.

Now that’s the miracle we are all looking for!

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