Saturday, May 23, 2009

The Possible Consequences of the Falling Housing Prices Fiasco

(My Original Blog Post:

The game was, to talk mum and dad to borrow on their house in town, which rose by leaps and bounds in price, and thus find a deposit to give the kid to put down on a house out of town. Assuming it was just about possible to find a decent house at a price without incurring financial difficulties in mortgage payments, it was not necessarily going to be in an area of one's choice. It was also likely, that a possible risk of undesirable consequences would develop in due course.

By this, it is meant, that many people went ahead and bought a property which they normally would not rush into buying, but were driven to do so, because of rising prices reaching more and more areas.

It followed, that many have moved into neighbourhoods not right for them and where they and their children would not really fit in.

Coming from a relatively posh neighbourhood into a lower grade one, can equate into a "them and us" attitude, thus creating a whole series of little problems which escalate into big problems.

As time went on, in many cases mum and dad would sell their house in town, with enough profit to pay off any mortgage and buy a house for cash near their kids.

During the period when housing went up in value, the kids were able to borrow more on their new house, so that they could live it up and buy a new car etc., and life was quite pleasant for a time. There comes of course the day, when all this has to be actually paid for, and with the arrival of the credit crunch, it is proving quite a task to deal with. If negative equity sets in, all the red lights come on.

Basically, this is the sort of situation many are facing right now. There is another wave of people with no kids, who sold their house when the yoyo was up and bought a cheaper house in the country, pocketing the difference as a nest egg for future times. All in all, they feel they got a good result so far.

Those who chose to buy and live abroad, are facing good or bad news regarding the currency values, and in some parts of the world, housing is also prone to price fluctuation.

Challenging times need a cool head and a positive attitude. Life is a game to be played as best as one can, and to play it well, there are a few tips to follow.

If you owe money that cannot be paid back in the way it was intended, it is no help to put things under the carpet, but come out with the truth straight away by going to an expert company that deals with this kind of problem. There are many good ones you can approach, and by letting them face the music on your behalf, will achieve a much better result for you and the people you owe. A formula will usually be found, which will be acceptable to both parties.

If things get as bad as repossession, there are experts to guide you through the

problems of this dilemma, often able to find a way of avoiding it, or at least delaying it.

Making money is not just about how much you earn, but what you do not need to spend. Every penny that can be saved, counts in the long run. It may go against the grain, but one really has to bargain wherever possible.

Whether dealing with an estate agent, a foreign currency exchange company, car sales representative, travel agent, and all places where larger sums are in play, it is imperative to get the best deal. Remember when you bargain, people take you seriously because they know you intend to do business.

A lot of money is being spent on food and petrol. By careful planning and knowing what you are actually needing to buy in the store instead of browsing and shopping willy-nilly, saves money. Remember, cutting down on journeys which can be covered on foot or by cycling, is healthy for your figure and bank balance.

People are only people. They know very well how things are, and know the difference between liberty takers and genuine situations where money is tight. It is wise to understand that the companies you may owe money to can be in difficulties themselves.

By being truthful and acting quickly, a lot of problems can be ironed out in an amicable way without losing a good name.

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