Monday, May 25, 2009

Running your Own Open House

(My Original Blog Post:

Historically speaking one of the most visible aspects of selling a home is the open house. There has been a lot of talk lately in the real estate world about the validity of open houses as many who come to these events are not qualified buyers, rather they are just people who want to look around the home. But this has always been a reality of open houses and yet they continue to be held. One might think that there is some actual value to them. Let's differentiate between the two major kinds of open houses that one can hold and how you can pull them off if you are representing your own home and not engaging the services of a real estate agent.

The first kind of open house is one that is typically held by a listing agent before or shortly after a home is listed. This is also one that you will want to consider if selling your home yourself. Hold an open house for the area's real estate agents. Call their offices and let them know that you are interested in holding an "agents only" open house. This is to let the agents in the area know that your home is available and that you are open to them bringing their customers in to have a look. This is a huge market and one that should not be overlooked. Usually agents are working with qualified buyers who are serious about purchasing a home and any interested buyers are good buyers.

Secondly, there is the good old "everyone welcome" open house. Now the main thing to remember here is that it is unlikely that you will see a lot of qualified buyers at an open house. What it does do is help to spread the word about your home sale. People that come and see the home may know people who are looking for a home and word of mouth is a powerful thing. In preparing your home for an open house, make sure that your neighbors know about the event and have a emergency plan ready to go if necessary. There are some unscrupulous individuals who prey on FSBO open houses so be careful about who you let in and only show the home to 1 group at a time. After all your safety is paramount.

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