Thursday, May 14, 2009

Want to Stop Repossession of Your House - Contact Us

(My Original Blog Post:

Somebody who stays in borrowed house may face the situation that the lender is taking repossession of the house. At this point he must do something to stop it rather than sitting idle. If a person has a record of repossession then his credit rating becomes bad as well as he gets a bad name as a result it becomes more difficult for him to borrow a house in the future in addition to losing the present house and in turn moving out. If the owner has started court proceedings or his stay is within the grace period then it is high time to do something as the next step could be eviction from house. At this point of time one should act very fast to stop repossession of the house, though the choices are very limited. Still at this moment one should know what are the options available to him and act on those options rather than doing nothing.

Selling the house is one of the options available to prevent repossession. Selling the house through an agent is not that feasible as in that case one has to leave the house anyway. The other way of selling the house and still stay in it is to sell it to a company that allows rent it back to you after selling. In this way one can stay in the same house and can buy back the house in future if his financial condition improves. The monthly rent and the price of the house for buy back can be fixed at the time of selling.

This type of selling of property should be done to a specialist company only. We come to picture at this juncture. One can apply online to us if he is intending to sell his property to us by providing a few details about his property. Details like locality of the property, type of the house and the current price of the house. These details about the house will help us to give the rough estimate of the amount that we can pay for the property verbally. Depending upon the mutual agreement on the rough price of the property we send our representative for actual evaluation of the actual price of the house and giving all the detailed information regarding sale of the house. After the initial meeting with our representative if one agrees for sale of the house then we guide him through the initial steps and start the process, also we show him how to stop any legal proceedings, if any that have been initiated against him.

If the lender begins court proceedings then it becomes difficult to complete the process, so it is advised to start as soon as one comes to know of repossession if he does not want to be thrown out of his house. The whole process of selling of house takes only about a couple of weeks. Thus within a short time one can sell his house to us and get the money to repay the loan to the lender and become mortgage as well as worry free.

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