Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Cool & Unique President Barack Obama Gifts & T-shirts on Sale

(My Original Blog Post:

Robert Walsh Kids Clothing announces the publication of their newest page, “President Barack Obama Gifts & T-Shirts On Sale”.

Today in history, November 4, 2008, the presidential election of 2008 will place an asterisk in the history of US Presidents next to the 44th President as the first black American President, Barack Obama.  His name will be found on lists that include major historical events, American history, famous people in history, history of racial discrimination, famous black Americans, and historical event dates.

The “Obama for President” theme was a dream for many Americans, particularly the Afro-American community.  Given very little chance to succeed at the start of the primary season in 2007, history channel will chronicle his journey to the White House.  The historical events timeline of his run for the Presidency began on a cold winter day on the steps of the Old Capitol in Springfield, Illinois, where President Abraham Lincoln announced his run for the Presidency almost one hundred fifty years before. 

This will be included among the interesting president facts that historically connect these two tall young lawyers from Illinois who made their way as little known individuals to the nation and reached the White House to heal a divided nation.  Each attracted attention of their political parties through speeches they gave prior to running for office.  And each will be historically mentioned in the almanac of Black American History. 

This day in history also makes internet history with the fact that prior to going out to make his Election Day victory speech Barack Obama texted a message to all his supporters.  His Speech in Grant Park in Chicago, Illinois, his home town, brought out almost a quarter of a million people and journalist from around the world.

This is why Robert Walsh Kids Clothing wants to invite people from across America and around the world to have the opportunity to share in this historic moment and event by purchasing their own Barack Obama themed t-shirt from  This new page will give all an opportunity to purchase a cool and unique Barack Obama t-shirt whether they live in the United States, Kenya, Indonesia, or just feel they want to proudly celebrate with pride and joy American Democracy at work in electing her first Afro-American President.             

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