The 2008 US presidential race has been a wild one. The anti-opposing candidate ads and campaigns have been getting more and more elaborate and as history shows, it's not a rare occurrence. Presidents and presidential candidates have been called antichrists for as long as my memory goes so it doesn't surprise me that this label is not attributed to Senator Barack Obama. There are countless websites dedicated to the Barack Obama the Antichrist phenomenon, many of them quoting verses from bibles that often times perfectly fit the profile Mr. Obama. But how far will this go?
I need to make one thing clear before I continue on – I am not an Obama voter. Democrats are not getting my vote. But guess what – neither are Republicans. This is not because I decided not to exercise my civic right to vote, it is because I'm not a US citizen. I do not live in the US either, but as a citizen of Canada, a country that has so many ties with the US, what goes on south of the border is of an interest to me. Just don't call me biased. I'm not an Obama blind sheep, nor am I a McCain string puppet. I do not like either of them and don't envy my American friends one bit for having to choose between those two.
But let's not dwindle away from Barack Obama and websites that claim he's an antichrist. Because of massive following of what appears to be blind-folded worshippers, for each Obama Antichrist website there is a website debunking the antichrist claims. Both of them are rather ridiculous, both lacking solid arguments, both can be ultimately debunked.
By taking a closer look at what those who believe that Barack Obama is an antichrist base their assertions upon it is easy to see where they're coming from. Characteristics of Barack Obama simply fit the profile of an antichrist more than characteristics of any other man alive:
Charismatic – Check
Popular throughout many nations - Check
Leader of people - Check
Muslim descent - Check
Capable of making people follow him blindly – Check
And that's not the end of the list. If you also consider his real motives for becoming the president and an undying desire to be "the first" you'll get at best a questionable politician, and at the most extreme an antichrist.
Barack Obama is an opportunist who's favored by Lady Luck. He's well aware of it and when the opportunity struck, he grabbed at it firmly and didn't let go. The picture of him in front of a board with buttons that he controls as well as the picture of his bank account growing by millions every month recalled the desires he was not willing to let go off. He's ready and willing to say and do anything it takes to get that office. Because with that office he's gonna get the control and the money he desires. What will happen then matters not. All that matters to him is to satisfy his desire of power and money.
As a Canadian who is active in public life style I have met with many fellow Canucks who share the same belief as our American friends – Barack Obama is an antichrist. When I asked around what made them think so, the most common answer was that Mr. Obama was largely funded and supported by the same bankers and shady organizations that control America and are believed to be behind the New World Order. Considering how much money and public brainwash by the media support he received from these cartels, it is to be expected that they will expect something in return. It is also possible that Barack Obama is their extended hand set to high place in order to execute their orders.
If that happens to be the case, if Barack Obama is hand in hand with the New World Order and if he is in fact an antichrist, then it'll be his task to finalize The North American Union and introduction of Amero as the official currency of Canada, the United States and Mexico. When all this falls in place, this person, this possible antichrist, this Barack Obama will be ruling my home country of Canada too. And that’s what Canadians I have spoken with are afraid of the most.
Antichrist could be real, antichrist could be just across the border and if the antichrist becomes the president and unites our country with his, that antichrist will rule Canada and our own lives as well. And that's a scary thought. I do not know whether Barack Obama is the antichrist or not, but even a slight chance of having an antichrist as my ruler makes me feel uneasy. I can only hope that good will eventually prevail, cause I'm not willing to join the army of antichrist's minions.
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