Thursday, April 23, 2009

Barack Obama : New Global

(My Original Blog Post:
Barack Obama
Ernie Fitzpatrick asked:

Now how does a title like Barack Obama fit into a web site on 2012? Maybe not at all, but then depending upon your perspective, it may have everything to do with the coming exponential increase in consciousness. Putting all the John McCain sacrifices for country aside, how could America be going forward electing a man who doesn't own a computer, can't email, nor thinks anything but from an historical perspective- even as limited as that is. 

Obams represents what's becoming known as the New Globals.

The world cannot continue in the paradigm and thinking that now exists. We can't have black pitted again white, Muslim against Christian, have against have nots. We're killing ourselves and setting up various ticking time bombs that could go off at any time. Obama is at minimum a symbol of religious tolerance and racial reconciliation. More though, he could be a precursor to the spirit that our world needs. Time will reveal if that's true or not.

We are facing several potential catastrophic events unlike anything we've experienced in modern times. The possibilities are enormous and demand our attention and focused consciousness. We can ill afford to continue to waste time on petty issues, nor continue to defend our prejudices and distinctions. We are all ONE and we need to begin making some major strides in realizing what that means. Communities and pockets of "consciousness aware" individuals must increase and proliferate.

We must challenge each other to become who we ARE within, the true and permanent core, and not continue to feed the the false ego that separate, divides, and injures. The message needs to be one of HOPE and therein Barack Obama seized on an intuitive feeling within the American fabric and psyche. Globals are truly that. Unlike McCain, they do not posit "Country First" as a mantra or flag.

Green is IN!  :-)

Consciousness is on the rise!

plumbing 101

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