Ernie Fitzpatrick asked:
Why have several of the major political players, like Ted Kennedy, decided to jump on the Obama band wagon? The most obivous reason is the more than DOUBLE the votes that Obama received over Hillary in the South Carolina primary. That's an amazing number for any primary, anywhere. However, there's much more to the picture than Bill Clinton playing the race card and being an out-right liar. If his presidency told us anything, it told us that! That's one of the reasons he lost his law license in Arkansas.
If Hillary were to get the nomination there would be a lot of TV commercials showing other Democrats being upset by Bubba's red-faced outbursts, finger pointing, and yes, LIES! A growing concern is just where Hillary shakes out in her relationship with Bill. A co-presidency bothers many people- a lot of people! As someone has wondered, can she not keep the attack dog on the porch, or is it that she needs him to do her fighting for her.
Either answer doesn't work! And Super Tuesday is just a week away!
But, it's the following statistics that started getting Democrats to thinking that hitching their star to the Barack-Star just might be the thing to do to assure them of winning the election in the fall. Let's begin with the obvious.
1-Obama won 55% of the total vote, more than twice as many votes as Hillary!
2-He inspired people such that 57% of voters who had never voted in a primary did!
3-Amazingly he rallied 66% of voters who had never voted before at all! At all!
4-He spoke to people of all ages getting 58% of voters between ages 18 and 64.
5-And the youth really love him getting 67% of voters between ages 18 and 29.
Even the Republicans, who are already at a decided disadvantage, know what the above figures represent. Is there anything that can stop him other than the Clinton attack machine? Barack is still the underdog and the hill that he's trying to climb is steep indeed! While he welcomes Ted Kennedy to the fold, he's going to need a lot more than Teddy boy!
But, comparisons to Jack Kennedy sure doesn't hurt! But, let's not take those comparisons all the way.
plumbing 101
Why have several of the major political players, like Ted Kennedy, decided to jump on the Obama band wagon? The most obivous reason is the more than DOUBLE the votes that Obama received over Hillary in the South Carolina primary. That's an amazing number for any primary, anywhere. However, there's much more to the picture than Bill Clinton playing the race card and being an out-right liar. If his presidency told us anything, it told us that! That's one of the reasons he lost his law license in Arkansas.
If Hillary were to get the nomination there would be a lot of TV commercials showing other Democrats being upset by Bubba's red-faced outbursts, finger pointing, and yes, LIES! A growing concern is just where Hillary shakes out in her relationship with Bill. A co-presidency bothers many people- a lot of people! As someone has wondered, can she not keep the attack dog on the porch, or is it that she needs him to do her fighting for her.
Either answer doesn't work! And Super Tuesday is just a week away!
But, it's the following statistics that started getting Democrats to thinking that hitching their star to the Barack-Star just might be the thing to do to assure them of winning the election in the fall. Let's begin with the obvious.
1-Obama won 55% of the total vote, more than twice as many votes as Hillary!
2-He inspired people such that 57% of voters who had never voted in a primary did!
3-Amazingly he rallied 66% of voters who had never voted before at all! At all!
4-He spoke to people of all ages getting 58% of voters between ages 18 and 64.
5-And the youth really love him getting 67% of voters between ages 18 and 29.
Even the Republicans, who are already at a decided disadvantage, know what the above figures represent. Is there anything that can stop him other than the Clinton attack machine? Barack is still the underdog and the hill that he's trying to climb is steep indeed! While he welcomes Ted Kennedy to the fold, he's going to need a lot more than Teddy boy!
But, comparisons to Jack Kennedy sure doesn't hurt! But, let's not take those comparisons all the way.
plumbing 101
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