Thursday, June 4, 2009

Breaking Up Advice From Barack Obama – How the New President Can Help You Get Ex Back

(My Original Blog Post:

If someone has the power to remake America, wouldn't you think his advice would help you remake your broken relationship? We've recently gained a president who promises change, but his advice can also be applied to broken hearts and difficult relationships. Our government could be considered to have gone through a recent horrible break up and Obama is the ultimate love guru (not Mike Meyers).

Every relationship goes through tumultuous times. There is no perfect relationship, but that's what makes most people fall in love. Don't you think if your relationship were perfect that you'd get bored. We fall in love with another's imperfections. I'm not saying things should always be terrible, they just should always be perfect. There has to be a balance.

"Our time of standing pat, of protecting narrow interests and putting off unpleasant decisions...”

This is a quote from Obama's inaugural address and though he is referring to the tough times America has experienced, try to think of it in light of your current situation.

Making Changes

“Standing Pat” is an idiom that basically means to refuse to make any changes. Think back on your relationship and the times you refused to changes. At first, you might think defensively and claim to never have been so stubborn. You've got to think of the small things though. The person you love, I'm sure you're aware, has many different small things that they want from you. Think back to all the times you selfishly refused to change.

Also, during this difficult time, the pain of breaking up, try to focus on changing yourself in order to make your relationship better when you do get back together. We all have work to do on ourselves and this is the perfect time, when you're alone and you have time to think about the things you've done wrong. Instead of being depressed about them, try to change them.

Protecting Narrow Interests

When you're in a relationship, your life becomes more about just you. Being in a relationship, I hope you know, is a process of eliminating selfishness. You have to look at more than what pleases yourself. Think about all the times you did what you wanted to do and did not consider what your significant other wanted to do. Of course you're going to have similar interests, but you're also going to have to do things you don't necessarily like doing because you love the other person that much.

The thing is, once you do this, your relationship will gain a balance. They will do the things you want to do as much as you do the things they want to do. It's called compromise and it's something that will help make your new relationship (when you get ex back) so much more fulfilling and happy.

Putting Off Unpleasant Decisions

The inability to communicate is probably one of the most prominent reasons for a couple to break up. Breaking up advice will do you know good if you cannot communicate with your ex. No matter how difficult the situation, especially within the relationship, you must confront your significant other and tackle unpleasant decisions when they arise.

It may seem strange to take breaking up advice from the new President, but why not? Do you really think all his relationships were perfect? Look at the struggle he's been through to get to where he is today. You can find wisdom for you particular situation in the words of Barack Obama.

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