Sunday, June 14, 2009

Obama: Aig Can'T Justify 'Outrage' Of Exec Bonuses

(My Original Blog Post:

WASHINGTON - President Barack Obama declared Monday that insurance giant American International Group is in financial straits because of "recklessness and greed" and said he intends to stop it from paying out millions in executive bonuses.

"It's hard to understand how derivative traders at AIG warranted any bonuses, much less $165 million in extra pay," Obama said at the outset of an appearance to announce help for small businesses hurt by the deep recession.

"How do they justify this outrage to the taxpayers who are keeping the company afloat," the president said.

Obama spoke out in the wake of reports that surfaced over the weekend saying that financially strapped American International Group Inc. was paying substantial bonuses to executives.

Noting that AIG has "received substantial sums" of federal aid from the federal government, Obama said he has asked Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner "to use that leverage and pursue every legal avenue to block these bonuses and make the American taxpayers whole."

Said Obama: "All across the country, there are people who work hard and meet their responsibilities every day, without the benefit of government bailouts or multimillion-dollar bonuses. And all they ask is that everyone, from Main Street to Wall Street to Washington, play by the same rules."

"This isn't just a matter of dollars and cents," he added. "It's about our fundamental values."

The $165 million was payable to executives by Sunday and was part of a larger total payout reportedly valued at $450 million. The company has benefited from more than $170 billion in a federal rescue.

AIG reported this month that it had lost $61.7 billion for the fourth quarter of last year, the largest corporate loss in history. The bulk of the payments at issue cover AIG Financial Products, the unit of the company that sold credit default swaps, the risky contracts that caused massive losses for the insurer.

Rep. Barney Frank, chairman of the House Financial Services Committee, earlier Monday charged that the move to pay bonuses amounted to "rewarding incompetence."

"These people may have a right to their bonuses. They don't have a right to their jobs forever," said Frank, a Massachusetts Democrat.

Frank noted that the Federal Reserve Board, using a Depression-era statute, was the institution that gave AIG its initial government bailout, before Congress passed legislation providing for additional assistance and said that no enough safeguards were built into the deal.

It also was revealed over the weekend that American International Group Inc. used more than $90 billion in federal aid to pay out foreign and domestic banks, some of whom had received their own multibillion-dollar U.S. government bailouts.

Some of the biggest recipients of the AIG money were Goldman Sachs at $12.9 billion, and three European banks - France's Societe Generale at $11.9 billion, Germany's Deutsche Bank at $11.8 billion, and Britain's Barclays PLC at $8.5 billion. Merrill Lynch, which also is undergoing federal scrutiny of its bonus plans, received $6.8 billion as of Dec. 31.

The money went to banks to cover their losses on complex mortgage investments, as well as for collateral needed for other transactions.

"We ought to explore everything that we can through the government to make sure that this money is not wasted," said Sen. Richard Shelby, R-Ala. "These people brought this on themselves. Now you're rewarding failure. A lot of these people should be fired, not awarded bonuses. This is horrible. It's outrageous."

Frank said he was disgusted, asserting that "these bonuses are going to people who screwed this thing up enormously."

"Maybe it's time to fire some people," he said. "We can't keep them from getting bonuses but we can keep them from having their jobs. ... In high school, they wouldn't have gotten retention (bonuses), they would have gotten detention."

AIG has agreed to Obama administration requests to restrain future payments. Geithner had pressed the president's case with AIG's chairman, Edward Liddy, last week.

"He stepped in and berated them, got them to reduce the bonuses following every legal means he has to do this," said Austan Goolsbee, staff director of President Barack Obama's Economic Recovery Advisory Board.

Obama did note in his remarks Monday that Liddy "came on board after the contracts that led to these bonuses were agr3eed to last year."

In an interview that aired Sunday on CBS' "60 Minutes," Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke did not address the bonuses but expressed his frustration with the AIG intervention.

"It makes me angry. I slammed the phone more than a few times on discussing AIG," Bernanke said. "It's - it's just absolutely - I understand why the American people are angry."

In a letter to Geithner dated Saturday, Liddy said outside lawyers had informed the company that AIG had contractual obligations to make the bonus payments and could face lawsuits if it did not do so.  (


The Obama Family and Family Values

(My Original Blog Post:

In a recent letter to his girls, President Barack Obama wrote: "I want you to grow up in a world with no limits on your dreams and no achievements beyond your reach......" Now that's a strong message from a father to his daughters.

Some say that the Obamas are the kind of family they would like to be. Michelle has a healthy attitude about parenting that resonates for those with strong family values. And she has talked about her personal struggle of juggling work and kids, not that different from any other ordinary American working mother. More than we might expect, given her training and high-powered career, the division of labor in the marriage has been fairly traditional. Michelle is an involved mom and has said that the wellbeing of her girls comes first.

In their personal relationship, if she's hard on her husband, it's because her expectations of everyone are high. But she's also a realist. When Michelle mentions Barack's flaws, it's to make a larger point - not to put the president on a pedestal when no one can fulfill all our fantasies. Both of them think that having one person in control of a problem can only cause more of the same. They see that leadership model as not the way to run a family - or a country. In discussions, Obama is not the only boss. He welcomes engagement and wants to be challenged. And that comes across in the role that Michelle plays.

As Barack tells it, all the men in his life were fragile, but the women could always be relied upon. In his wife, he sees a lot of his grandmother - the practical, no-nonsense woman who raised him. He likes that Michelle insists he be the kind of father he never had. And just as she is a reflection of his values, their partnership is a good indication of the character strengths and listening skills he brings to the White House.

No family always runs smoothly. And there can be problems that aren't that easy to fix. As you evaluate the kind of support and strategies you need, keep the following tips in mind:

1. Keep your expectations realistic. You may have very clear ideas about how you want your family to be. But realize that every member will have their own way of handling challenges, conflicts and disappointments. Don't think that what's a priority for you will be the same for everyone. And remember that the present state of affairs won't last.

2. Be willing to compromise. With a situation you can't agree on in a family relationship that matters a lot, take the time to understand both sides of the issue. Validate everyone's feelings and try to withhold blame. It's not necessary to excuse bad behavior, but show support for what they're going through. If in the past you have gone underground and then exploded later, don't let these feelings fester. Acknowledge the part that you play in the conflict and deal with it. Negotiating an agreement that both of you can live with is often the best way to move on.

3. Set long-range goals about what you want to accomplish as well as short-term objectives that will help you reach them. These concrete plans provide the basic foundation and parameters for change in your partner, your children, your parents and yourself. As you successfully move forward, step by step, your self-confidence will grow. Ongoing action and a positive attitude will motivate you to stay on track and ultimately reach your family goals.

4. Look at your situation and decide what works for you. If you need some time by yourself, be sure to fit that into your plans. When you want to reconnect with your teenagers, plan outings that will appeal to both of you. If your parents are up to it, invite them on a family vacation. Your children will benefit from spending quality time with their grandparents. And it will give you free time and the chance for you and your partner to catch up without distractions.

5. Do what is necessary to maintain familiarity and continuity. If you nurture your family and stabilize their environment, they will feel more secure. The structure in their lives and the support you give them will relieve feelings of anxiety or stress. Children are resilient and, as you model positive thinking and hope, they will thrive. The rewards can be immeasurable for the whole family.

In this administration, with a protective mom in chief, one major focus on the home-front will be the first daughters. The goal of these devoted parents is to help the girls find their way in their new environment. And Michelle's mom is moving in for now, to provide a constant presence and keep the girls grounded. When asked about the relationship with his mother-in-law, the president, among other things, said: "I don't tell my mother-in-law what to do." Doesn't it sound like our new president is off to a really good start?

© 2009, Her Mentor Center

Phyllis Goldberg, Ph.D. & Rosemary Lichtman, Ph.D. are co-founders of, a website for midlife women and, a blog for the sandwich generation. They are authors of a forthcoming book about family relationships and publish a free newsletter, Stepping Stones, through their website. As psychotherapists, they have over 40 years of collective private practice experience.

Is the Financial Advantage for Senator Obama Too Huge?

(My Original Blog Post:


Senator Barack Obama has opted out of the public financing system in his contest for the U.S Presidency, and John McCain has decided to stay in the system. It appears that Obama may have about $250 million to invest in the months of September and October, and McCain may have only about $85 million.

Should McCain be afraid? No and Yes.

No, because I do not think that Obama's financial edge will do much for him in advertising (traditional and non-traditional) for his candidacy and causes. The reason is simple -- time is short, and there will be galore free publicity. Here are some ways that Obama may use his financial resources to increase the scale and scope of advertising. Let us look at various elements of this advertising.

First, Obama can and will probably advertise in almost all the 50 states -- even as his campaign will concede that several states like Alaska have not voted for a Democratic candidate for a very long time. The goal of this exercise to merely scare up McCain's campaign and force him to spend some of his valuable resources -- money and time -- in some of those states lest he should lose. Will this be effective? I rate the effectiveness about 3 on a 1-10 scale (10 being most effective) because when push comes to shove McCain will not divert his resources (he cannot afford to) and thus would call the bluff (not out of choice but out of necessity.)

Second, Obama can use micro-segmenting and try and use different media for diffusing his image. Money provides that luxury. Obama can also try non-traditional approaches and media.

Will be this an effective strategy? Better than the 50-states strategy but not overwhelmingly so. I would rate this strategy to be about 5. The reason is simple. The Presidential race will get plenty of free media coverage from networks, cable channels, print media, blogs, u-tube productions and those Presidential debates. Additional reach -- over and above these -- is likely to have marginal impact. Further, the content/message of the candidate does matter.

The message will determine the basic positioning of the candidate, and no amount of volume of reach can necessarily change that positioning. Two examples of this are: one, though Barack Obama invested thrice as much as Hillary Clinton in Pennsylvania Democratic primary and twice as much in Ohio, the ultimate preference numbers did not change from the forecasts three weeks before the actual voting; two, with less than $1 million investment the 'Swift Boat' advertisement against John Kerry was devastatingly effective. In the first case, the message was the same but in the second case, the message was sharply different and new (whether that was true or not is besides the point -- further, since Senator Kerry did not effectively and immediately repudiate the attacks the message assumed a level of truthfulness as a default.)

Final aspect of this element is that Obama is likely to receive somewhat of a negative coverage from the mainstream media for his rejection of public financing -- this is not huge but one cannot ignore the word-of-mouth value of major networks and newspapers. In this case, the word-of-mouth effect would be negative.

Yes, because Obama might gain a very substantial advantage in voter registration, and mobilization with paid staff and localized promotion and patronage. It takes almost one-on-one to persuade a voter to register, and then actually vote on the election day. The upside of such voter mobilization is monumental. Particularly when the enthusiasm for McCain's candidacy is somewhat muted thus far. For example, in the recent USA Today-Gall Up survey 61% of Democrats said they were more enthusiastic than usual about voting in this year's election, while just 35% of Republicans said that.

Obama can employ this vast resource to mobilizing voters through registering new voters and individual contacts -- paid staff (and volunteers) knocking on the doors, telephonic calls, mobilization on the day of the election. Here, the resources can make a very big impact. I would rate the potential effectiveness of this approach about 7. There is substantially higher marginal benefit to be achieved here.

For illustration, let us examine Ohio (20 electoral votes.) In 2000, Al Gore lost the state only by about 350,000 votes even without any campaign investment. In 2004, John Kerry lost Ohio by less than 120,000 votes. If only Kerry had mobilized 10 extra votes in every precinct in Ohio, he would have won Ohio and the Presidency. Obama can pour his resources in the ground game in Ohio and quite possibly win it given the current sour political climate. Similarly, Kerry lost New Mexico and Iowa by less than 20,000 votes each -- and that can be easily overcome with strong election-day mobilization. In a state like Georgia where about 600,000 African-Americans have not registered to vote are rich Obama-votes. If they can be mobilized to register to vote and actually turn up to vote, Obama can put Georgia in play. In Florida, more than half a million black registered voters stayed home in 2004. Hundreds of thousands more African Americans are eligible to vote but not registered.

Did Obama Make the Right Choice in Joe Biden of Delaware?

(My Original Blog Post:

We are going from one sporting event (Summer Olympics) to another type of sporting event: the Democratic National Convention kicked off in Denver on Monday.  The only unknown part of the convention, the vice-presidential choice, was announced on Saturday.

Joe Biden, Delaware, was named the Democratic vice-presidential candidate by Barack Obama on Saturday.  The original plan by the Obama campaign was to communicate who the vice-presidential candidate would be to supporters by text message.  That plan didn’t work out so well.  News of the vice-presidential candidate was first reported by the traditional media, though the Obama campaign sent their text message announcement out at 3:00 AM on the 23rd.

Obama and Biden made their first appearance together in Springfield, Illinois at the Illinois State Capital.  This is the same place Obama made the announcement he was running for president in 2006.

Monday night will focus on the story of Barack Obama.  In a relatively new tradition, the nominee’s wife, Michelle Obama will be the featured speaker.  Tuesday night’s theme will be Renewing America’s Promise and Hillary Clinton will be the featured speaker.

Wednesday night is an attempt at trying to be non-partisan in terms of foreign policy, using the theme “Securing America’s future”.  The night will focus on Obama as commander in chief.  The two main speakers on Wednesday are ex-President Bill Clinton and vice-presidential nominee Joe Biden.  Though it seems President Clinton was upset about his speech subject for the evening - he would rather have been talking about the economy.   Now it looks like the Obama campaign will let President Clinton talk about whatever floats his boat.

Thursday is the final night of the convention and the Democrats will be moving from the Pepsi Center to INVESCO Field to allow a larger audience to participate in the event.  After the roll call vote, Obama will give his acceptance speech.  Though there is contention between Hillary Clinton’s supporters and the Obama campaign about how long the roll call vote should continue until Obama is officially declared the candidate. is a website that a site that will give you the facts or if you want a little opinion you can check out


Saturday, June 13, 2009

Mccain – Obama – Their Faces Tell All!

(My Original Blog Post:

The Chinese have done it for longer than 2500 years – they still are. And more and more Westerners are doing it today. From a person’s face you can read amazing amount of information: the facial features and other characteristics show personality qualities such as the temperament, potential, disposition, creativity, and whether the person is, or will be, fortunate or not so fortunate. It also reveals sex life, popularity and life expectancy. The face provides the answers to your most important questions about compatibility with a potential life partner and prospects for success in business. Face reading provides valuable knowledge that can help us make the right decisions about the people we meet and deal with, and it can give us insight into ourselves. And, it may help us make the right decision in the U.S. upcoming presidential election.

            Some people say,”A politician is someone who belongs to the opposite party.” Pay no attention to them. Chinese face reading is neither cynical nor political. Its focus is character.



The main elements on John McCain’s face are Earth and Fire. It means he has the sense of showmanship and he is adventurous. He is willing to take chances and wants to be in the public eye.

            Overall the features on his face are balanced, which is good. But at the same time his face has a lot of unevenness, different kinds of dimples and cavities. They may mean that the person has an uneven personality and temper.

            The lines on his forehead do not go evenly from one side to another. They are crooked. The area of forehead describes the person’s years 14-30, and according to the Chinese studies, that shows McCain had a lot of problems and difficulties during those years. His forehead is dominant. It is fairly high and broad, meaning he had good education and family background. He is intelligent and can form beneficial relationships in deciding what the future will be like.

            The eyes are rather small, suggesting that he can see things only in narrow focus, not exercising the command that his intelligence merits. He has a tendency to be self-satisfied about his accomplishment. People find him hard to get to know.

            His nose is straight, telling that he is doing financially well and he is honest. The person with this nose often seems to have achieved success easily. Things just fall into his lap. This person chooses and follows a direction to a goal.

            Even though the nose tells how reliable John McCain is, his ears reveal totally opposite. A person with his ears, where the inner rim of the ear is strong, is not considered reliable and he likes to go his own way. He does not want to depend on others.

            Senator McCain’s mouth is balanced. It tells he is adaptable; he smiles easily and has good vitality. He handles people well and finds it easy to deal with the public.



The main element on Senator Obama’s face is Gold. According to the Chinese studies, the genuine gold personality is easy to spot in a crowd with the person’s radiant eyes, perfect face shape, beautiful smile and the posture of royalty. It seems that anything a Gold person does will be a huge success. Very often they have a high social standing and enjoy the limelight. Unfortunately they often lack inner strength.

            Everything in Barack Obama’s face is in balance. His forehead is very smooth, hardly any lines, telling that all the way back to his youth, he’s had good intellectual ability and excellent values.

            The nose is straight, evenly built from top to bottom. It suggests an excellent career, happy family life, and very good health in the middle years and even longer. People with this kind of nose are trustful and extremely understanding. Everything has to be logical and sensible.

            The ears are protruding. The Chinese art of face reading informs that ears like that usually belong to a person who is easygoing, but somewhat irresponsible. Also, just like Senator McCain, the inner rim of his ears is strong and that can suggest the person not being reliable. Barack Obama’s ears also reveal that he is sophisticated, worldly, likes to live in big cities. He wants to take chances, but on his own, not depending on others. He is sociable, interested in color, sound and effect, and leads a rich life. He always looks for new people, new ideas, new trends and eagerly looks for a chance to express his views. He is successful, and because of determination and influential friends, he can make a mark for himself in the world.

            The mouth represents the personality. Mr. Obama’s mouth discloses that he is outgoing, strong and has a high status in life. And he will get lots of money!


How serious is this? Well, electing the next president to our great country is dead serious! If the thousands of years of facial feature studies and this totally non-political interpretation of the two candidates’ faces helps, that is great – and serious!

Face reading is fascinating.

Obama’s Misplaced Robin Hood Complex

(My Original Blog Post:

Barack Obama, like any good liberal, has a Robin Hood complex. This came out plainly when he bluntly told “Joe the Plumber”, a man who has been vilified by the left and has had his actual comment distorted into things he never said, that he wanted to, “spread the wealth around,” by taxing people who make too much. In this case, Obama has set that bar at a level of $250,000.

When it became clear to the Marxist left who believe in, “from each according to his ability, to each according to his needs,” that such ideas were not going to fly in America as they had across Europe, they started to sing a different tune. In singing that different tune they have co-opted the figure of Robin Hood whose claim to fame, they believe, was that he “stole from the rich” to “give to the poor”. To an extent it is true, but not to the extent that liberals want you to believe.

Robin Hood is a beloved story told to many children and has admittedly undergone many tweaks and changes over time. As time has worn on, the left has been able to portray themselves as modern day Robin Hoods who want to take from those that have too much to give to those that have little or nothing. But the true story of Robin Hood is not simply that he “stole from the rich” and dispersed those spoils to the poor. Rather, those that Robin Hood fought against were the bureaucrats and the corrupt that kept the people under the heal of their boot. He fought against what was, at the time, excessive government and those that controlled the reins of power and the feudal order of the time.

In early tales Robin Hood was a member of the freeholder class and a land owner – not someone that was poor himself. He had no real reason to stand up against the feudal system except that he saw it as wrong.

The Sheriff of Nottingham is perhaps Robin Hood’s best known adversary. In other tellings of the story Prince John was also right up there with the Sherriff and a cruel leader in the absence of King Richard who was off fighting in the crusades. Both were of the nobility, the “chosen” class, and given fiat powers to rule over the people without consent of the people. There were, for all intents and purposes, tyrannical politicians. The Sheriff was in fact, the “tax collector” of the day.

The second most famous enemy Robin Hood fights is Guy of Gisborne, whose roll changes depending on the exact story being told. Whatever version of the story however, Guy of Gisborne is a corrupt figure in the service of the Sheriff either directly or indirectly and a partner in the corruption seeking out Robin Hood.

Others of Robin’s foes are members of the Catholic Church who have turned to corruption like the Bishop of Hereford who was fleecing his congregation for his own betterment.

In fact, Robin Hood was not just a champion of “the poor” but of what was right. He regularly befriended tradesmen who would join his band of Merry Men. Businessmen oppressed under the yoke of taxes, farmers, workers and even nobles rallied behind Robin Hood. In fact, in early tales the “Merry Men” of Robin Hood were pretty well to do yeomen like figures. They wielded swords, not the quarter staffs of later tales and of poorer folk, and swords were not cheap so one had to have money to have one.

Yes, depending on the telling of the story, the exact circumstances do change. But overall the theme remains the same – Robin Hood fought against oppressive government and corrupt public officials and even church officials on behalf of the citizenry. Not just the poor, but all the citizenry.

This is a far cry from what liberals like Barack Obama want to do. But for some reason they still envision themselves as modern day Robin Hoods. Is it because of ignorance? Is it because of stupidity? No, it is because liberals do what they always do. They change the meaning of words to suit their goals. They rewrite history to clean their own consciousness while relabeling all the bad things their fellow travelers have done from slavery, to the formation of the KKK to Jim Crow laws to the murder of Jews during Hitler’s reign in Germany as somehow “right wing” and the product of conservative ideologies. Meanwhile they portray themselves as heroic and fighting for the downtrodden. Pay no attention to that man behind the curtain, the one at the switches and levers that wants to oppress and intimidate you into service.

They ignore the fact that Robin Hood was really more of a conservative than a liberal by today’s definitions of the terms and not a fellow traveler of theirs. They ignore the fact that he fought against tyranny, the established political order of oppression and high taxes. They ignore that that he took on corrupt religious leaders and called them to the carpet. And while ignoring all this, they supplant themselves as the true heir to a false legacy they have created for Robin Hood.

Yes, Robin Hood did steal from the “rich”. And by “rich” I mean the corrupt politicians and leaders of the day in which the stories are set. But he did not run around, much to the dismay of liberals, taking on good people who worked hard to make a living for themselves, stripping coin from their purse and running off to give it to another man who had not earned it.

On the other hand, liberals like Barack Obama are all about empowering big government and high taxation. Which makes them more like the Sheriff of Nottingham or Prince John than any sort of Robin Hood.

Author Self Publishes a Book on President Obama as a Global Inspiration

(My Original Blog Post:

Philip Ephraim self publishes a book depicting President Barack Obama as an inspiration not only to American citizenry but also to people from different countries all over the world in ‘Barack Obama, The Audacity of Inspiring the World’.

The book author underscores how President Obama’s ‘yes we can’ mantra positively energizes and influences people from different walks of life in different countries.

“His generational appeal shatters age and geographic limits.  The impact of his unique qualities and likeliness is felt by every one in every nation. He doesn’t only stir up political activism, build coalition, but unleashes energy for creativity and personal positive ambition,” Ephraim says.

The self published book attempts to highlight President Obama’s symbolic significance being an icon of boundless possibility and hope not only among Americans but also among different groups of people coming from different ages and social status in different countries.

“He has inspired public service in the young and political involvement in the old, thus brining back to the fold those who were politically apathetic and cynical… He summons the better angels in us,” Ephraim says in the preface of his self published book.

Philip Ephraim has written extensively in international journals including A Review of Qualitative and Quantitative Measures in Collection Analysis and ERIC, the database initiative of the US Department of Education.

The author is formerly a Senior Librarian at the University of Calabar, a consultant Law Librarian to the African Development Bank, consultant to Bobel International and Associate Ltd., and After School Leader in the Andorra Library in Philadelphia.  He owns Innovative Ventures Group in Philadelphia.

Ephraim also authors ‘Barack Obama, The Audacity of Being a Global President’. His books are published by Xlibris.

For more information, please visit , e-mail or call at 1-888-795-4247, to receive a free publishing guide.

Obama's Campaign of Hope Now Has a Prayer

(My Original Blog Post:

Hillary Clinton had run a disciplined, mistake-free campaign for the first nine months of 2007. She had been able to portray herself as an experienced candidate for change. By contrast, the Obama campaign had an anemic nine months on the campaign trail without a clear message or momentum. Mrs. Clinton had Obama in a tough political spot.

To remain competitive in the race, Barack Obama needed to attack Mrs. Clinton as a candidate. The attack ads and negative campaigning would have left Obama open to criticism of abandoning his campaign's primary theme of hope. It would challenge his assertion that he was a different kind of politician and it would appear to the voting public as a cynical attempt by him to get back in the race. Obama would look desperate and Hillary Clinton's candidacy for the Democratic nomination would be inevitable.

However, Obama never had to go "negative" because Mrs. Clinton started making a series of unforced mistakes. Her political mistakes from late September through early December have allowed the Obama campaign to surge into the lead in the first voting state of Iowa. In addition Obama has moved back into contention in the state primary in New Hampshire.

Clinton started her parade of mistakes in the debate of September 26, 2007. Her handling of a hypothetical question on terrorist torture from moderator Tim Russert was inconsistent with answers she has given on that same question posed to her in the past.

The mistakes continued for Hillary in the Democratic debate of October 30, 2007. Her answer to a debate question concerning granting illegal aliens drivers licenses was incoherent. She appeared to take a position on both sides of the issue within about sixty seconds. Her performance validated her Democratic opponent's claim that she was trying to parse her position on issues and have it both ways.

Next, Bill Clinton showed up stumping for votes for Hillary in Iowa to remind us how slick and parsing he can be. In Iowa, it was all about Bill and little about Hillary on the campaign trail. Bill even tried to convince us that he was against the Iraq war from the beginning, which is clearly not true. It sounded like Bill Clinton was running again and reminded the voting public about the fact that in electing Hillary, we would get Team Clinton back for President in the White House. This back to the future Clinton reminder to the voting public did not go over well.

Then, the voters got to see a Hillary Clinton interview with Katie Couric. This interview should have been a positive thing for Hillary. However, her poll numbers continued to drop after her appearance. In this interview, Hillary told Katie Couric that she has never contemplated losing this election. That she had not even considered the possibility that she would lose. The manner which she handle that question appeared presumptious to many voters. In fact, it fed into the negative image many people have of Hillary's need and hunger for power. It was a continuation of the impression that she would say anything to win.

These mistakes from the Hillary Clinton campaign have helped to tighten the Democratic race for the 2008 Presidential nomination just weeks before the first vote is to be cast in Iowa. Barrack Obama clearly has the momentum in the race. Now it will be Hillary Clinton who will have to go negative to try and slow his campaign down.

For Obama to win the Democratic Presidential nomination in 2008, he must win Iowa in a decisive fashion. He also must win in New Hampshire or Hillary Clinton will absorb the Iowa defeat and move on. If Obama wins in Iowa and New Hampshire, Hillary Clinton would be reeling and John Edwards would be out of the race. The Edwards vote would probably move to Obama and he would have a chance to defeat Clinton, one-on-one in the subsequent primaries. Democratic voters would certainly be questioning Hillary’s prospects as a candidate against the Republican Presidential nominee in the general election in 2008. A primary election battle between Clinton and Obama could go unresolved for weeks since Obama has the campaign war chest to contest Clinton in every primary state.

An Obama victory against Hillary Clinton is still a long shot. However, a series of unforced Hillary Clinton mistakes since September 26, 2007 have allowed Obama to remain competitive. Indeed, the result of her political mistakes have, at the very least, given Barack Obama's campaign of hope a prayer.

Friday, June 12, 2009

Republicans Get Barack'd

(My Original Blog Post:

Well, esteemed ladies and gentlemen of this fine nation otherwise known as the United States of America. Kind of ironic that this country is called 'united', when we seem to spend so much time bickering about things that have no consequential ramifications on our personal lives (i.e. Britney Spear's toothpaste choice, Amy Winehouse's current rehab status, etc.), and don't spend enough time on important topics such as health care, why the hell we're still in Iraq, etc.

Well, up until a week ago, I wondered what this country would do. While I heard countless people speak, and read dozens of articles that Obama would win in a landslide, I must admit I was scared out of my gore that Bush III and his evil step-daughter would soon be in the oval office. On a tangent, why is it called the oval office? Why isn't it a circle. Don't want a typical rectangular shape domicile, eh? How about a triangle? OK, enough with the shapes. You get the idea.

So, am I the only one that was worried that McCan't and Failin' Palin would somehow finagle millions of people that they could effectively run this country? I doubt it.

But alas, America has woken up. They realized that talk is cheap, and that action is necessary. Enter President-elect Barack Obama. While there are millions of people in the south and other segregated parts of the country rolling around in the pseudo-graves that an African-American is a president, all I can say is three words: DEAL WITH IT. More importantly, somewhere up above, Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. is pumping his fists in the air in utter glee and victorious harmony. Yes, Dr. King, thanks to Obama and the path you paved decades ago, the USA is finally 'free at last.'

So, now that the man is in office, what now? Well, let's get the party started, shall we? I'm slightly upset that I won't have these articles to rank on Sarah Palin, but then again, the way the GOP is blaming the whole campaign on her, I'm sure I'll have plenty of ammunition. Ohh, I'm sorry Mr. McCan't. Are you using Sarah Palin as a scapegoat for losing the election? mean to tell me you just figured out she's not qualified? Well, it was that horrible selection and misjudgment (not to mention a 10 trillion dollar deficit courtesy of your party) that led to your annihilation in the plls.

In short, and to conclude, Obama wants change and will bring change. God knows we need it. 

Well, much like this election, when it comes to all your advertising needs, there's one easy choice. Log on to for related articles, as well as simple and easy ways to accommodate all your needs!


Michelle Obama

(My Original Blog Post:

The soft version was on display Monday night in Denver and the lady does have a soft side and I'm not talking about her soft flowing hair. As she said, she's a daughter, a mother, a wife, and a proud American. I mean that totally covers the bases doesn't it? It was not only the content, but the constant smile and humble spirit that was on display.  

Michelle Obama, whose husband calls her "the star" of their family, introduced herself Monday to the Democratic convention in a heartfelt speech invoking the dreams of her father and the hopes of her husband for the nation. "Barack and I were raised with so many of the same values: that you work hard for what you want in life; that your word is your bond and you do what you say you're going to do," Obama said. "You treat people with dignity and respect, even if you don't know them, and even if you don't agree with them."

The self-described daughter, wife and mother also gave a nod to Hillary Rodham Clinton, Barack Obama's chief rival for the Democratic nomination. She hailed the New York senator as someone who put "18 million cracks in the glass ceiling" by winning nearly that many votes in state nominating contests.

She told those watching on television that, like them, she and the candidate value strong family ties, a belief in hard work and upward mobility, and a determination to create "the world as it should be."

And then there was Teddy!

Sen. Edward Kennedy declared there was "new hope" for the nation in his surprise appearance at the Democratic National Convention, while Michelle Obama addressed critics of her patriotism and stressed her love for the country. "Nothing is going to keep me away from this special gathering tonight," Kennedy told an arena of teary-eyed delegates as he pledged to see Barack Obama to the White House and his own return to the Senate floor.

So, the Democratic Convention is off and rolling: with Hillary and Bubba to follow.   :-)

Leahy for Obama!

(My Original Blog Post:

Hillary's automatic run to the Democratic nomination keeps hitting these speed bumps. This week, a judge in Nevada allowed the culinary union to caucus in the casinos. The Nevada caucus Saturday now gives a slight lead to Barack Obama. And that's not all.

Democratic Sen. Patrick Leahy, the chairman of the Judiciary Committee, endorsed presidential candidate Barack Obama on Thursday. "We need a president who can reintroduce America to the world and actually reintroduce America to ourselves," Leahy, D-Vt., said in a conference call with reporters. "I believe Barack Obama is the best person to do that."

Leahy's endorsement gives Obama 8 among Democratic senators, compared to 11 for Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton. Many Democratic senators have held off on public endorsements in the presidential race, in part because there were at one time four Democratic senators and a former one in the race.

More endorsements could follow now that Sens. Christopher Dodd and Joseph Biden have dropped out, though the Democratic field remains crowded with senators: Obama, Clinton and former Sen. John Edwards are still in the race. Leahy, 65, was elected to the Senate in the post-Watergate class of 1974 and presides over the committee's hearings on nominations to the Supreme Court and the Justice Department. A former state prosecutor, he also established his panel's first subcommittee on human rights and is an avid advocate for a worldwide ban on land mines.

The Vegas odds are changing!

Whatever the results may be come Saturday from Nevada, the Hillary nomination train has been slowed and may actually be derailed. And if not by Obama, maybe by Michael Bloomberg? A third party run is still a possibility and my bet is a very, very good possibility.

Leahy for Obama!

(My Original Blog Post:

Hillary's automatic run to the Democratic nomination keeps hitting these speed bumps. This week, a judge in Nevada allowed the culinary union to caucus in the casinos. The Nevada caucus Saturday now gives a slight lead to Barack Obama. And that's not all.

Democratic Sen. Patrick Leahy, the chairman of the Judiciary Committee, endorsed presidential candidate Barack Obama on Thursday. "We need a president who can reintroduce America to the world and actually reintroduce America to ourselves," Leahy, D-Vt., said in a conference call with reporters. "I believe Barack Obama is the best person to do that."

Leahy's endorsement gives Obama 8 among Democratic senators, compared to 11 for Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton. Many Democratic senators have held off on public endorsements in the presidential race, in part because there were at one time four Democratic senators and a former one in the race.

More endorsements could follow now that Sens. Christopher Dodd and Joseph Biden have dropped out, though the Democratic field remains crowded with senators: Obama, Clinton and former Sen. John Edwards are still in the race. Leahy, 65, was elected to the Senate in the post-Watergate class of 1974 and presides over the committee's hearings on nominations to the Supreme Court and the Justice Department. A former state prosecutor, he also established his panel's first subcommittee on human rights and is an avid advocate for a worldwide ban on land mines.

The Vegas odds are changing!

Whatever the results may be come Saturday from Nevada, the Hillary nomination train has been slowed and may actually be derailed. And if not by Obama, maybe by Michael Bloomberg? A third party run is still a possibility and my bet is a very, very good possibility.

Published Book Features President-elect Obama as the Choice of the World

(My Original Blog Post:

Philip Ephraim publishes how the world outside the United States influenced the results of the 2008 American elections in his self-published book ‘Barack Obama, The Audacity of Being a Global President’.

The book author presents statistical analysis and worldwide events that point to the fact that big and small countries all over the world, enemies of America included, want Obama to emerge as the 44th president of the United States.

Ephraim explains how world economic borders are collapsing, making more and more countries allied with the US.  The author also underscores that people all over the world are hopeful that Obama will make diplomacy a priority, double foreign assistance, build healthy and educated communities, develop markets and reduce poverty.

Philip Ephraim quotes President-elect Barack Obama in his victory speech: “And to all those watching tonight from beyond our shores, from parliaments and palaces, to those who are huddled around radios in the forgotten corners of the world, our stories are singular, but our destiny is shared, and a new dawn of American leadership is at hand. To those who would tear the world down: We will defeat you. To those who seek peace and security: We support you.”

Obama is not only “president of the country, but of the world,” Philip Ephraim says.  “The world likes Obama and wanted him to win.”

The book author owns Innovative Ventures Group in Philadelphia.  He was formerly a Senior Librarian at the University of Calabar and is a consultant to the African Development Bank and Bobel International and Associate Ltd.

Ephraim has written extensively in international journals.  He is also the author of Barack Obama, The Audacity of Inspiring the World.  His books are published by Xlibris.

For more information, please visit , e-mail or call at 1-888-795-4247, to receive a free publishing guide.

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Obama Chia Pet

(My Original Blog Post:

The Obama Chia Pet Controversy

obama chia pet

So, have you heard about the Barack Obama Chia pet head? It's the HOTTEST product to be released in years from the creators of the world famous Original Chia Pet.

It's also turned out to be very controversial as well and has been pulled from retail chains afraid of offending their customers.

So lets take a look at this crazy product that like Barack Obama himself, could "Only Happen in America"......

Although you will usually hear this product referred to as the "Obama Chia Pet", officially this product is referred to as the "Chia Obama Handmade Decorative Planter".  It doesn't quite have the same ring, does it?

The Obama Chia was created by Joseph Enterprises, Inc, the same company who created the Original Chia Pet in 1977. This also the same company that brought us "The Clapper", which was famous for it's old "Clap on, Clap Off - The Clapper!" jingle.

The Obama Chia Head is a handmade pottery planter and comes with a Chia seed packet with enough for 3 plantings, a plastic drip tray and planting & care instructions.

The Obama Chia Pet was licensed exclusively to Walgreens to sell at their nationwide retail /convenience outlets. Their company policy allows stores to choose their own merchandise so they can better serve their individual locations. In the case of the Obama Chia though, once company management received some complaints that the product was "offensive", Walgreens ordered stores to remove the Obama Chia headfrom the shelves.

The controversy around the Obama Chia and the it's subsequent removal from stores has created an incredible demand for the Chia Obama head planter. The only other major retailer to stock the collectible was, and they have sold out of the Obama Chia. Now the Obama Chia has become a hard to find collectors item. Only in America!

A Struggle of Class: Obama Vs. Mccain

(My Original Blog Post:

Two symbolic ends of the social spectrum are embodied in the men running for President.  In big picture terms we have the culmination of the Civil Rights Act of 1960, Mr. Obama, seen as a Black man of modest birth, running against Mr. McCain, the archetypal white Republican candidate, a senior citizen, a career politician, and a decorated veteran from an accomplished military family.  What better defines the separation of people in this country than these two men?  In one corner, we have a liberal community activist, a political social worker if you will, and in the other corner, a conservative POW veteran and career politician, a hawk.

One of the big questions in my mind is this; can Obama bring together a coalition of the underclass of all colors?  Can he meld them into one powerful voting bloc?  If he can succeed at that then perhaps the political landscape of America will be forever changed.  Whether or not John McCain is wealthy, he represents the wealthy as a Republican in the minds of most. Since he’s earning well over $200k per year in a military pension, social security and his Senate salary, I’d say he’s at the very least upper-middle class.   Obama may have started out middle class but barring some personal flub of epic proportions, he’s never destined to be there again.  And yet, despite his Harvard education and potential wealth, he represents as a Black man, the underclass of America.  He has worked in the inner city so he has some “street-cred”.  He can also legitimately articulate the interests of the middle class white man as part of the larger underclass of America. 

Since the country was formed, powerful white men have ruled it.  For just as long, underclass whites have identified with the powerful.  They’ve worked for them and they’ve served them hoping some day to be included in their club.  A select few now and then have earned a spot in the club by becoming wealthy.  Most of the underclass in America has seen the gap between rich and poor widen.  Even the focus of the unions has turned to government and service jobs, away from the shrinking traditional labor in manufacturing.  The rich are served by government and they are the primary consumers of the service sector.  American society is increasingly structured to serve the wealthiest among us.

Now along comes Obama who speaks about change and simply by being Black presents the very picture of change.  Does he have the power of will and the charisma to draw in the blue collar, white worker?  Can he weave together a coalition of the underclass with a message they will accept? It will take a shift in thinking for the Archie Bunkers of America to accept that they are part of the poor underclass that includes the Black man.  Can blue collar workers be shaken out of the “American Dream”?  Can Barack prove that despite their color they have never been invited to the club and that they probably never will be?  Can Barack help them see that the only color that actually matters to the rich is green?

I am fascinated and fearful.   There could be an opportunity for real change that hidden racism could erase; that is, if blue collar white people vote based on color.  I see a youth movement behind Obama that may well propel him into the White House if the underclass coalition is successfully constructed.

I question whether the young people working in Barack’s campaign understand why his election is in doubt at all.  It should not be, not given the state of the crippled Republican party.  Are the young people familiar with the fears and prejudices of their parents that produce such indignation at the words of his former pastor?

I wonder if everyone knows what changes they want once Barack Obama elected.  Is this merely a raucous ride on a parade float?  Do they have the will to make sacrifices to make changes happen?  If the parade ends at the White House and the crowd simply disappears into the scenery then nothing new will have happened.  We cannot afford to vote color in this election and we cannot afford to end our parade with a victory only to be left unheard outside the gates of power.

Obama Shirts Becoming a Popular Seller

(My Original Blog Post:

The name Barack Obama has become notorious in recent months and there are many American voters who are closely following what he has to say, his ideas on how to run the country have opened the eyes of many people that some real problems are and how they can be treated.

Obama has also provided new ideas for some very old problems, such as medical care, and while each candidate has something to say about medical care ultimately, which is a candidate to the idea that work is done the present population without medical care.

He also showed a more personal with some of his television appearances on programs that are not policies and seems to be very comfortable in these formats rather than the cumbersome policy that many politicians to keep to leave voters to wonder what their real personality as May be. This may seem unimportant to some people but the candidate elected in Whitehouse ultimately, at some point show their human side and it is a great advantage of knowing a head of time what the candidate is.

One interesting policies that Obama want to create is a teacher residency program, which would train teachers in management, higher education and hands on training. This would end the country out about 30000 new teachers a year, which would end a shortage of untrained teachers providing education to children in USA. There is currently a lack of teachers and there are also some states that do not require as high a level as other states for teachers in their school systems. When the national average is considered to student achievement levels, it can be easily seen that it takes more effort placed on education and the requirements of the curriculum.

Obama is the only candidate to have recognized this growing problem with educating the youth of the country and has developed a thought and a plan that not only help to properly educate students, but will also help boost employment with this program 30000 training with new teachers trained each year.

This is what makes voters sit down and listen to the ideas of Obama and take into consideration that it might well be the next President of the USA and one who brings new ideas from some old problems in the country .

One of the many things that are underway to raise funds for the campaign are Obama Obama t-shirts that many voters and those who are not of voting age are proud to support.

Do you buy a shirt and Obama to help support by all possible means to help get elected as president. You can help us promote Barack Obama through the port connected Barack Obama t-shirts or making a donation to the campaign. All Obama t-shirts mentioned here are not official, but rather inspired by whom could possibly be one of the most influential politicians for a long time.

The Obama Meltdown?

(My Original Blog Post:
What a week for Barack Obama.

He (accidentally) refers to his "Muslim faith" on George Stephanopolous' show, waivers and quakes on every position he has hitherto held (abortion, taxes, Iraq, the surge), and now faces a 10 point deficit to McCain/Palin in the latest USA Today likely voter poll.

And as we all know, it is the likely voter polls, not the registered voter polls, that really count.

I can hear the Democrats now, wondering aloud in polite company how the rest of America could be so stupid. I would respectfully take that question and redirect it in the direction from whence it came.

Barack Obama's entire primary campaign was a personality contest and a "change" event (which really just kept reminding me of this particular South Park episode, where his supporters were the homeless). Between he and Hillary, there was little difference on the issues, ergo the issues were not discussed. Except maybe health care, though from a conservative point-of-view, government control is government control. A skunk is still a skunk, no matter how wide his (or her) stripe.

Now that the general election is upon him, and real questions, voter scrutiny and his own soaring oratory begin to descend, the plaster of Paris that is Barack Obama's candidacy has begun to crack.

And it is not the "Republican attack machine" that is dismantling him, contrary to his echoes of Hillary Clinton's mythical "vast right-wing conspiracy" from Democrat whines of yore. It is his own failure to stand for anything worth supporting, and like a Seinfeld episode that never ends, pinning his political future on a campaign about nothing. As he added substance to his campaign-speak, we learn what many of us already knew. He isn't about "change" - he is just another tired old liberal, advocating policies that would balloon the federal government, destroy federalism, and transform this country in ways that would make her completely unrecognizable to her Founders. His proposals stem from a childish admiration of that pathetic 1960s hippy mindset of free love and free everything, except that you and I pay for it.

And why does it seem he is running against Sarah Palin? Is he really that afraid of John McCain?

I now feel free to offer a bit of advice for you Democrats who think that the debates will work in his favor. Barack Obama may be the most scripted presidential candidate in history. Though well produced, Ronald Reagan (as Bill Clinton) was great off-the-cuff, had their own ideas, and knew their subject matter. Obama, certainly unworthy of Reagan's dirty sock, and not a sliver as tough as Bill Clinton, loses his unicorn-like luster when required to think on his feet. John McCain does not.

This may be the beginning of the end for the Obama candidacy. If it is, the country will be better off for it.

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Obama’s Speech: How Does it Stack Up to History?

(My Original Blog Post:

In January, Barack Obama became the 44th President of the United States, taking his oath of office on the steps of the Capitol before what is believed to be the largest crowd ever to witness a presidential inaugural in person.

Following the swearing in ceremony—which was conducted on Abraham Lincoln’s bible—Obama gave a powerful speech, promising the American people that they could and would unite to overcome the economic and military difficulties facing the nation. “Our challenges may be new,” the president said. “The instruments with which we meet them may be new. But those values upon which our success depends—honesty and hard work, courage and fair play, tolerance and curiosity, loyalty and patriotism—these things are old. These things are true. They have been the quiet force of progress throughout our history. What is demanded then is a return to these truths. What is required of us now is a new era of responsibility—a recognition, on the part of every American, that we have duties to ourselves, our nation, and the world, duties that we do not grudgingly accept but rather seize gladly, firm in the knowledge that there is nothing so satisfying to the spirit, so defining of our character, than giving our all to a difficult task. This is the price and the promise of citizenship.”

Instant reviews of Obama’s speech from the TV talking heads were quite positive, and the huge crowds along the Washington Mall roared their approval. But will Obama’s inaugural address stand the test of time? How will Obama’s speech go down in history?

Only time will tell. But truth be told, the historical bar against Obama’s words will be judged is actually pretty low.

Yes, a few presidents’ inaugurals have gone down as great moments in our history.

  • In 1981, Ronald Reagan memorably encapsulated his own philosophy and set the political agenda for an entire generation with his declaration that “Government is not the solution to our problem; government is the problem.”

  • In 1961, John F. Kennedy captured the imaginations of a more idealistic generation by asking his fellow citizens, “Ask not what your country can do for you; ask what you can do for your country.

  • In 1933, Franklin D. Roosevelt helped lift his countrymen’s spirits at the darkest hour of the Great Depression by declaring, “The only thing we have to fear is fear itself.”

  • In 1865, Abraham Lincoln began to heal the wounds of the Civil War by closing his second inaugural with the words, “With malice toward none; with charity for all… let us strive on to finish the work we are in; to bind up the nation’s wounds… to do all which may achieve and cherish a just and lasting peace among ourselves and with all nations.”

  • And in 1801, Thomas Jefferson tried to soothe the nation’s original partisan discord by proclaiming, in the wake of a bitter election fight, “We are all Republicans; we are all Federalists.”
    Those were all, without a doubt, successful inaugural speeches. (And perhaps not coincidentally, those were all successful presidents.)
    But what about the other 39 presidents and the other 50 inaugural addresses? They mostly fall somewhere on a spectrum ranging from forgettably mediocre to memorably awful.

  • John Quincy Adams, who was often criticized for being an out-of-touch elitist with no clue how to relate to ordinary people, did nothing to challenge that reputation in 1825 when he began his presidency with this whopper of a sentence: “In compliance with an usage coeval with the existence of our Federal Constitution, and sanctioned by the example of my predecessors in the career upon which I am about to enter, I appear, my fellow-citizens, in your presence and in that of Heaven to bind myself by the solemnities of religious obligation to the faithful performance of the duties allotted to me in the station to which I have been called.” No one was too shocked when Adams was defeated four years later by “man of the people” Andrew Jackson.

  • James Buchanan, often ranked by historians as the worst president ever, took office in 1857 at a moment when the nation was torn by bitter sectional controversy over slavery. In his inaugural address, he essentially told the country to just get over it: “Most happy it will be for the country when the public mind shall be diverted from this question to others of more pressing and practical importance,” he said. Most unhappy it was for the country when Buchanan’s head-in-the-sand approach led directly to the Civil War.

  • Warren G. Harding turned his inaugural into a long discourse on his personal philosophy of business. The speech was said to bore listeners to tears.

But the worst inaugural address in American history, without a doubt, belonged to William Henry Harrison. For his 1841 inauguration, Harrison penned a monumental 8,500-word treatise, much of it devoted to explaining—for reasons that remain baffling even today—obscure lessons from ancient Roman history. Undeterred by a ferocious blizzard on inauguration day, Harrison refused to wear his overcoat and insisted on plowing through the entire two-hour speech, bitter cold be damned. Then he caught a wicked case of pneumonia and died 31 days later.

To this day, William Henry Harrison holds the all-time records for both the longest inaugural speech and the shortest presidency. At Shmoop, we hope that neither record will ever be broken.

If we can be fairly certain that no incoming president’s inaugural address will ever beat William Henry Harrison for length, we can be equally sure that none will ever beat George Washington for brevity. Washington’s second inaugural, delivered in 1793, was exactly four sentences long—less than 150 words. While no one made a recording of the speech, for obvious reasons, our best guess is that the address lasted two or maybe three minutes.

And that, friends and countrymen, is why George Washington is on the dollar bill and William Henry Harrison is… dead of pneumonia.

Obama’s speech, delivered on another cold winter’s day in Washington, clocked in at about 17 minutes, which is just about average for modern times; every inaugural since 1980 has lasted between 14 and 22 minutes.

While it’s too soon to say whether Obama’s words will go down in history alongside the great speeches from Lincoln, Roosevelt, Kennedy et al, there is no question that Obama's inaugural was historic in nature. Apart from the obvious—yet still remarkable—fact that Barack Obama just became our nation’s first black president, his inaugural itself was unlike any that ever came before. More people crowded into Washington, DC, to see January’s events in person than for any previous presidential inauguration. That crowd—which reflected the Obama campaign organization in its unusual size, diversity, and enthusiasm—may well end up being the feature of Obama's inauguration best remembered by history. That crowd reflected the feeling that something special happened, that Obama’s inauguration into the White House marked the renewal of America’s democratic spirit.

Like most eruptions of democratic enthusiasm, Obama's inaugural festivities had both their positive and negative aspects. On the one hand, it was hard not to be moved by images of American flags waving over hundreds of thousands of happy faces, all wide smiles and tears of joy, their voices filling the Mall with chants and cheers of jubilation. On the other hand, the same crowd greeted outgoing president George W. Bush with widespread booing and even a taunting song of “Nah nah nah nah, hey hey hey, goodbye!” Not too classy… but still not nearly as bad as the crowd of Andrew Jackson supporters who trashed the White House in 1829, breaking antique furniture and tracking mud all over the place, or the mob of Abraham Lincoln fans who ran off with the White House silverware in 1865.

Will Barack Obama’s presidency live up to the phenomenal excitement of his inauguration day? History will be the judge of that.

Barack Sure Knows How to Say it

(My Original Blog Post:

Entertainment is my first priority and without it life is a big bore. The first thing I look for in a politician is their ability to be entertaining. That is why my first choice for the democratic nomination and president is Barack Obama. He is loaded with charisma and is a pleasure to watch and listen to. The rest of the candidates could not hold my attention for more than five minutes no matter what they are talking about.

American presidents are viewed as very powerful people but that is far from the truth, they are chained to those that put them in office. Before the president makes any major policy decision it has to meet the approval of others that are much more powerful. He is no more than just a messenger or figurehead. If I want to find out about our nation I will read the business section of the newspapers or turn on my computer and browse the Internet. Listening to speeches by the president puts me to sleep. That is why we need a guy in the white house like Barack Obama, he will awaken us with his charisma.

Once Obama becomes president, the international image of the United States will reach new heights. His charisma will also improve our international political position and help our economy. He is an extremely talented speaker that has the power to charm his listeners, they will love every word he says. The last thing we need is a boring figurehead that just puts us to sleep. Nobody will ever fall asleep when Obama is speaking, that fact alone makes him deserving to be our next president. It is not a super politician we need but a great entertainer.

There are those that are worried that Obama will turn out to be a crazy liberal and give away the country to the needy. But even if he is sympathetic to the poor, his obligations to wealthy backers will always be respected. He is not a left wing radical, but is basically conservative in his views. His powerful supporters are very comfortable with him holding the highest office, and he is fully trusted as being one of them. But it is important for him to maintain an image as a defender of the poor and abused. That is why he will fill his cabinet with politicians that are in close contact with those agencies that help the needy. But his real friends will always be the rich and powerful.

If Obama becomes president he will surely turn out to be just another politician looking to survive, but at least he will be entertaining. We will be enjoying his well spoken words. “It’s not what you say but the way that you say it” And Barack Obama sure knows how to say it.


Obama Is Coming, Clear The Way!

(My Original Blog Post:

"Obama biro, yawne yo!" (Obama is coming, clear the way)—Tens of thousands of cheering Luo "Tribesmen" and ululating women screamed as they welcomed Senator Barack Obama (D-IL) back to his father's ancestral land—Nyangoma Kogelo village in Luo Land, Western Kenya, several weeks ago.

In a matter of hours Obama had soared to unprecedented political prominence in Kenya, eclipsing a bunch of corrupt and heartless nincompoops—The (Mt. Kenya Mafia), who are ruthlessly grinding beautiful Kenya to the ground.

The only difference between the Mt. Kenya Mafia and the current U.S. Republican administration, is that the former have brought Kenya down to it's "Economic Knees," while it's virtually impossible for George Bush's government to bring down the mighty economy of the United States, no matter how much they misappropriate it's coffers by way of inflated Iraq reconstruction contracts or Katrina FEMA trailers. Otherwise both groups employ similar schemes – exploiting and manipulating ethnic (racial) intolerance and promoting rampant corruption—a bunch of "cold-blooded" louts.

The six year cesspool of a mess presided over by the Bush administration might not be in vain after all. It has made America hungry for a messenger with a message of hope.

In the NBC "Meet The Press" interview of Sunday 22nd October, I watched Senator Obama intimate that—based on the responses he has been receiving across the country, he is considering running for the presidency of The United States in 2008.

What impressed me most about him is how he tackled the question regarding his previous assertion in 2004—that he would complete his six year Senate term and not run for President in 2008: "I have thought about the possibility, but I have not thought about it with the seriousness and depth I think is required," Obama said. "My main focus is on 2006, and making sure that we re-take the Congress. After November 7th, I will sit down and consider it."

Unlike the shifty, programmed, and selfishly partisan politicians I am used to watching on Sunday morning political TV, Barack Obama countered Tim Russert's questions with poise, spontaneity and most important, he seemed very genuine.

In a political system muddied and tainted by arrogance, corruption and incompetence, watching and listening to Obama is inordinately refreshing.

In Obama I see an intelligent and capable man, unlike the current President who constantly reminds me of an unprepared and confused "open book, open notes" exam taker, badly rehearsed and totally incapable of articulating his views without the stewardship of his father's cronies, Karl Rove his "Political Architect" and a bone breaking conglomeration of "Hyena" special interest groups.

Obama's apparent good human qualities added to the fact that he is a great American story, makes the Senator a very attractive prospect for the ultimate prize in politics—The Presidency of The United States.

Is Obama Presidential material?

Many cite his lack of political experience, claiming his resume is too thin for a run at the Presidency. I disagree and here is why:

1. Unlike other black leaders, Obama doesn't grind "white noses" in Racism, and at the same time he is a symbol of hope to millions of dis-affected blacks and other minorities.

Judging by his Senatorial election win of a 70% majority, Obama has proven that he is a very powerful vote magnet across racial lines. He has established an "inclusive" track record that would be vital in a presidential election if he decides to run. His candidacy would draw out millions of dormant black voters thus making the Democratic candidacy more viable.

On the flipside, we all know that there are some whites such as the right wing gutter constituents of con-man Rush Limbaugh, who will forever embrace Racism and will never accept a black president. A President Obama would mark the beginning of the placement this irritant breed to the fringes of political obscurity.

2. He is NOT a bumbling idiot, appears humble and has not been tainted with partisan politics. Perhaps even more important is that he is a confident intellectual, which I think is a necessary pre-requisite for handling the complex issues of the highest political office in the world.

3. The last Republican President who had some smarts was the foul-mouthed bigot—Richard Milhouse Nixon, who engineered his own downfall with a lethal concoction of homophobia, anti-Semitism, anti-black and "Communist Paranoia." As a matter of fact Nixon's political career spanned three decades of scare mongering, witch-hunts and dirty tricks, the same tactics that have been successfully deployed by the current administration over the last six years.

All others after him have been bumbling buffoons with slight exceptions in George H.W. Bush and Ronald Reagan.

Reagan the Serial Liar who made Americans feel good about themselves, was not only ill informed but partially senile towards the end of his second term – not particularly smart, but a great "Political Actor," whose major achievements included presiding over the disintegration of the Soviet Empire (which was inevitable anyway), misuse of the World Bank and funding of CIA death squads to safeguard the corporate thievery by US multinational companies in Latin American countries…. and the worst in my opinion; propping the racist Apartheid regime in South Africa.

The "Great Communicator" was just another Republican crook!

Bill Clinton and John Kennedy did not have that much experience. Abraham Lincoln ran after two years in the House, Woodrow Wilson after two years as governor, and Franklin D. Roosevelt & Jimmy Carter after four years as governor.

Perhaps Dr. Martin Luther King summed it up best in his "The Drum Major Instinct" sermon delivered at Ebenezer Baptist Church, Atlanta, Georgia, February 4, 1968 – He said: "Everybody can be great, because everybody can serve…. You only need a heart full of grace, a soul generated by love. And you can be that servant," qualities that are thoroughly lacking in the Republican base – the "self-chosen" people of "Faith."

If the Democrats nominate Hillary Clinton, a very polarizing Democrat, the Republican smear spigots will spill out of control and flood the whole country to an extent that the Katrina calamity will look like a storm in a teacup. On the other hand, an Obama nomination would fuel vicious racial and below the belt "Nyangau" attacks from the right wing, like the slime being spewed by Republican troglodytes against black Democrat Harold Ford Jr. in the Tennessee, or by incumbent Senator George "Macaca" Allen in Virginia.

I wonder if Senator Obama has the stomach for such personal and racist attacks—a GOP staple!

Colin Powell assessed these circumstances in 2000 and chickened out, and subsequently dimmed his star serving in this ham-fisted administration for four years before being pushed out in favor of "yes-woman" Condoleezza Rice. It is rumored that he feared political assassination.

Will Obama follow through or is his potential candidacy just hype?

It is time for America to put it's Racist legacy behind it, to re-assess its future, and take a closer look at this rising star, for I think Barack Obama is ready—to cleanse the "maligned" soul of America.

Can Obama Really Win?

(My Original Blog Post:

Many thought the day would never come. A day that all Americans could prove to their children that they could become whatever they want in life no matter what their background is. A day that Americans could put aside their differences and see their neighbors for the content of their character and not the color of their skin.

Barack Obama's stunning victory at the Iowa Caucus ignited a spark among Democratic voters, reminiscent of the days of Camelot and John F. Kennedy. Many believed that a state like Iowa, with a miniscule Black population, would never elect an African American to such a high position, but Obama's message of change resonated in the Hawkeye State, as 37.6 percent of Iowa voters selected him to represent the Democratic party in November.

More shocking was Hillary Rodham Clinton's third place finish with 29.5 percent of Iowa Democrats supporting the New York Senator.

According to the Associated Press, Obama's victory marked the first time an African American candidate has won such a vital caucus or primary.

"Years from now you'll be able to say, 'This was the moment when it all began.' This is the moment when we finally beat back the politics of fear and doubt and cynicism," a victorious Obama told a crowd of supporters at a Des Moines, Iowa sports arena.

Obama dominated the college-age vote and enjoyed enormous success among Blacks in Waterloo, Iowa.

His success among African Americans should assist in his chances in November because many Black voters still believe he is not electable.

Obama's wife Michelle believes America is ready for a Black president despite the skepticism.

"Ain't no Black people in Iowa. Something big, something new is happening. Let's build the future we all know is possible. Let's show our kids that America is ready for Barack Obama right now," said Michelle Obama at the Trumpet Awards, a gala celebrating achievement in Black America.

Despite his resounding win in Iowa, and pollsters predicting a double-digit win in the first primary of 2008, Obama finished a close second to Clinton in New Hampshire days later. Surprisingly, Clinton defeated Obama 39 percent to 37 percent in the Granite State. However, the Illinois senator was still upbeat and optimistic in defeat.

"We always knew our climb would be steep. You made it clear that at this moment in this election, there is something happening in America ... You can be a new majority," Obama told his supporters in New Hampshire. Clinton recently won the primary in Michigan and the Nevada caucus also.

According to Allen G. Breed of the A.P., "Obama's stunning victory over Hillary Rodham Clinton in the Iowa caucuses and strong second in New Hampshire's primary showed he could win White votes. But some say the South Carolina contest offers a new test of his viability. Can he energize Black voters in places where their numbers could help him win in November?"

On January 26, Obama won the South Carolina primary in a landslide, winning 55 percent of the Democratic vote.

At least half of South Carolina Democrats are Black and they could have been persuaded to distance themselves from Clinton because comments she and her husband Bill Clinton made, which some people view as racially insensitive.

Clinton recently stated that Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.'s dream of racial equality was realized only when President Lyndon Johnson signed the Civil Rights Act of 1964. The former president later said that Obama was telling a "fairy tale" about his opposition to the war in Iraq, and that he has received a free pass in this election.

Clinton later went on "Meet the Press" to explain her comments and implied that Obama was injecting race into the election.

"I think it offended some folks who felt that somehow diminished King's role in bringing about the Civil Rights Act. She is free to explain that, but the notion that somehow this is our doing is ludicrous," Obama replied.

According to the A.P., Clinton's advisors claim that an Obama staffer has compiled examples of comments by Clinton and her surrogates that could be construed as racially insensitive. The memo later surfaced on some political Web sites.

"To me, as an African American, I am frankly insulted the Obama campaign would imply that we are so stupid that we would think that Hillary and Bill Clinton, who have been deeply and emotionally involved in Black issues-when Barack Obama was doing something in the neighborhood; I won't say what he was doing, but he said it in his book-when they have been involved," argued BET founder Bob Johnson in a reference to Obama's past drug use.

Johnson later said he was talking about Obama's community activism and not his past drug use.

Former North Carolina senator John Edwards replied, "I must say I was troubled recently to see a suggestion that real change came not through Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King but through a Washington politician. I fundamentally disagree with that."

Ironically, the change that Dr. King gave his life for could be the same change that gives America its first Black president. As Obama's campaign slogan says, it is a "change we can all believe in."

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Barack Wins, One Proud Black Man's Thoughts

(My Original Blog Post:

Barack wins, the feelings of one black man
by George Cook 11/06/08

On Tuesday November 4, 2008 Barack Obama won the presidential election to become the 44th President of the United States. This was a great day for my family. It so moved me that I haven't been able to sleep for two days and am still trying to come to grips with the Barack Obama victory.

Everything is like a blur and I am just starting to realize on November 6 that we have a black president. Even now in my slightly delirious state I keep waiting for some reporter on Fox News to start screaming about a voter discrepancy somewhere. Most likely Alaska.

I knew I had to write something but I was just too emotional or exhausted. Probably a combination of both. That and a few celebratory Heinekens.

Election Day was very special for me and besides the 3 hour wait to vote ( which will become six hours as I age and tell the story of how I walked in six inches of snow with no shoes to vote for Obama 30 years from now ) it was a beautiful day.

Early on I drove 3 elderly African American women who were all over 75 years old to the polls. They were acting like little school girls giggling and smiling. I almost said, "Don't make me pull this car over."

But it hit me that as happy as I was that I could not really appreciate what they felt. At only forty I have not faced real overt racism. But they had, They lived through Jim Crow and segregation. They saw America's ugly side.

Their joy was really one of "We have overcome" and I knew they really appreciated and understood what was happening in their lifetime.

That made me think of my daughter who will in her lifetime think it's normal for a black man to be president and hopefully one day will see a woman attain the highest office in the land. Now when I tell my daughter she can be president I wont be talking out one side of my mouth.

All these thoughts brought a few tears to my eyes. That's a big deal for me since I can only remember crying three times in my adult life. Those three being when my great grandmother died, when my daughter was born, and when the Giants lost the Super Bowl in 2000.

I want to close by returning to those three old women I drove to the polls. Now everyone who has ever been in an old black persons home knows along with plastic covers on the furniture there are pictures of three people you will always see on the wall.

Jesus Christ, Martin Luther King, and John F. Kennedy.

Now they can add one more..............

George L. Cook III

Why are There so Many Crazy Obama Products Being Created and Sold?

(My Original Blog Post:

Its not surprising to see people buying books, newspapers and magazines about our new First Family Obamas. But the other items that seem to be growing in popularity, are truly different and unique. Why, in this time of predicted recession and hard times, are people spending money and all this First Family Obama products?

Besides the usual day after the election, newspapers and magazine craze and stampede, what other types of products are emerging? Well lets see, how about a life size cardboard cutout of Barack Obama, going for almost $30 at amazon. Or if you are into bobble-head collections, you can get a Barack Obama Bobble-Head that talks. What does he say, well, yep, you guessed it, "Yes We Can." 

TV Commercials are gracing the airwaves promoting supposedly genuine from the US Mint Department, comemmerative, Barack Obama Coins. Of course they are a limited edition. News sources on MSNBC and CNN stated yesterday that the Obama team advises that these are not created by the government, so you have to be careful as to the validity of the items being peddled.

So why are people buying these items off the internet, and store shelves faster than ice cream sells on a hot august day? Maybe its because his election is one of the most historically significant days in modern day times. It might be that by getting a First Family Obama Product, it makes them feel more like they are somehow attached and included in that history. Maybe it is because they see these items as investments that may be worth more in the future. Of course it could be as easy of an answer to why they get these First Family Obama products is simply because they saw something that they just had to have and bought it impulsively as so many of us do on a regular basis. Just because it makes you temporarily feel happy.

Whatever the reason, the items you can find about the First Family Obama, are as different unique and fun as the popular culture of our American society is, and almost just as diverse, too.

Obama Appears Inevitable While Clinton Only Has Hope

(My Original Blog Post:

Political pundits are beginning to sense an end to the Presidential campaign of Hillary Clinton. Last week Peggy Noonan wrote a column questioning how gracious Hillary Clinton would be in defeat. This week Dick Morris predicted an eventual nomination victory for Barack Obama and the end of the pursuit of the White House by the former First Lady.

So are these pundits correct? Is the race for the Democratic party nomination over? Will it in fact be Barack Obama and John McCain in a race for the White House in the fall? Since at this point in the campaign it is all about the delegate count, let's look at the possibilities.

The delegate count after last night's Potomac Primaries is still very close with Obama leading Clinton by just 67 delegates (1242 to 1175) according to CBS News. The magic number for the Democratic Party Presidential nomination is 2025. Nevertheless the campaign of Hillary Clinton certainly appears to be in big trouble.

Hillary Clinton has lost every primary and caucus since Super Tuesday and her prospects for victory are slim for the rest of the month of February. She has loaned her campaign five million dollars according to various news reports. Her senior staff has been working without pay and her campaign is currently raising half of the amount of new campaign funds on a daily basis in comparison to the campaign of her opponent. She has just replaced her campaign manager.

The Clinton current campaign strategy is to conserve money and concede the remaining state primaries in February to Obama. The campaign is concentrating on winning the remaining primaries in March, April, and May. This would give Barack Obama substantial victories in all the remaining primaries in February (Hawaii, Wisconsin, and Washington). It should give him about 1300 total delegates on March 1, 2008.

This February election result would insure that Clinton would trail Obama by around 90 - 100 delegates entering the March 4, 2008 primary contests of Ohio, Rhode Island, Texas, and Vermont. She will have not beaten Obama in a primary or caucus for a month. To remain in the race, Clinton would need victories approaching 60% of the vote in every remaining state except Mississippi in the month of March. If she somehow pulled this result off she would have about 1436 delegates on April 1, 2007. Obama would win about 165 delegates and his total would be 1465. The dubious news for Hillary Clinton is that Obama would still remain ahead at the end of March in delegates even if Clinton ran the table in March and won each contest (except Mississippi) by a 60-40% margin.

In April, 151 delegates will be at stake in the state of Pennsylvania. Let's assume that Hillary Clinton wins that state with 60% of the vote and captures the same proportion of delegates. Her delegate total would be 1556 to Obama's 1522, giving her a slight lead in delegate count. There would be 214 remaining delegates for the candidates to battle for during the primaries in the month of May.

Therefore, for Hillary Clinton to regain the lead on pledged delegates from Obama, she needs to win all the primaries (except Mississippi) with at least 60% of the vote in March and April. She needs to win the primaries in Ohio, Rhode Island, Texas, Vermont, Wyoming, and Pennsylvania. She needs to achieve these primary victories with 60% or more of the vote. She will be outspent by the Obama campaign since he is raising more money. She also needs to produce these victories after a month of non-stop primary losses. Clinton also must realize that this is the same dubious strategy that did not turn out well for Republican Rudy Giuliani at the beginning of the 2008 election season. Based on all these factors, her chance to secure the Democratic Party nomination at this point look like a long shot indeed.

It is true that there are still about 500 remaining Democratic Party super delegates that remain uncommitted to any candidate. These delegates are Democratic party members and insiders. The problem for Hillary Clinton is that these delegates will quickly jump aboard the campaign that looks like a winner during March. After the primaries on March 4, 2008, if Obama is still ahead by at least 100 delegates and has won most of the state primaries and caucuses ( he has won 23 of the 35 to date), the super delegates will begin to endorse him in significant numbers and the Democratic race will be all but over.

The fact is that Obama has been endorsed by too many Democratic party regulars to be a victim of a back room deal that would have most of the remaining super delegates endorse Hillary Clinton. Also, the Democratic party will be careful not to allow insiders to appear to overturn the actual voting results of the primary states. However, in a last desperate attempt to stave off defeat, Hillary Clinton will probably try to use the disqualified delegates in the Michigan and Florida primaries to her advantage. These delegates were disqualified because each state moved its primary forward in the 2008 election calendar. As a result of breaking party rules the states delegates are not currently included in the delegate totals of either candidate.

In general, Hillary Clinton has to hope she can stop Obama's political momentum very soon. Indeed, it now looks like she will be behind by nearly 100 delegates after all the February primaries are finished. One hundred delegates is a dangerous number to be trailing in this election year with the Democratic Party rule of proportionate allocation of the vote for each states delegates. Her only remaining hope is to run the table with big (twenty percentage point) wins in all the remaining primaries during the months of March, April, and May. However, her campaign's last stand may well turn out to be on March 4, 2008 in either Ohio or Texas.

It is interesting to see how things can change so quickly in politics. Six months ago, Hillary Clinton was the candidate of inevitability and Barack Obama was the candidate of hope. In February 2008, each candidate's prospects for the Democratic Presidential nomination are now exactly the reverse.

Obama Mania

(My Original Blog Post:

Barack Obama began his term in the Senate in 2005 for the state of Illinois. On February 10, 2007, he officially announced his candidacy for president of the United States. His historic campaign and subsequent election led to a fever in this country; a fever known as Obama mania. Much has led to the mania, but Obama himself has led to most of it. Obama is a man of great charisma and influential articulation; this combined with the country's eagerness for change has led to this Obama mania in the United States and abroad.

People seem to come out of the woodwork when it comes to expressing their belief that Obama is the man who shall clean up our great nation. Oprah certainly added to the furor when she publicly endorsed Barack Obama. She said she felt he is "the One," as if he were a messiah. Savior or not, we have yet to see, but the hope sparked in that comment echoes the hopes expressed all over the country.

Obama is not your normal political candidate. A self-described "mutt," many Americans feel they can relate to him. This is just one aspect of his unending charm and wit. I know I am not alone in this opinion, as millions publicly flaunt these same feelings. Just look at the Obama Girl! Obama did not just campaign with town hall meetings and university speeches; this man was speaking to sold-out stadiums of 50,000 or more. This is a virtually unheard of status among politicians.

Even other countries are catching this Obama mania fever. Foreign nationals the world over were watching on election night as America declared Obama its president. Kenya, where Obama's father hails from, declared November 5th a national holiday. Couples around the globe named their newborns after the President-elect. Obama mania is sure to stick around!

In a campaign full of historic significance, Obama stood out. Running in the primaries against the most formidable of female candidates, Barack showed he can take on the goliaths of Washington. Then, in the actual election, with opposition from yet another historic opponent, he showed that America can rise above its past. On Election Day, 2008, the United States made history and the Obama mania flames were fueled once again.